I still don't know anyone else who is teaching this. Maybe I'm on to something
When I first taught this course in November 2016, I got a great response from those of you who were able to attend. Unfortunately some of you couldn't make it.
That's partly my fault, because I sent the initial notice out 40 minutes before I was scheduled to go live.
Yes it was a spur of the moment event, but I just felt inspired to share what I know about this subject.
Since November, I've gotten multiple requests to present the information again from those who missed the first course, as well as from those who want a chance for more Q&A.
But various changes to LinkedIn and Facebook kept me so busy with software updates for the past few months that I never found the time to do it.
Now that LinkedEngine has been updated with the new LinkedIn UI and FBVA is running smoothly using the new browser I have some time so I'm going to share
this free training with you live.
If your business relies on constantly finding new sources of leads then you don't want to miss it.
I am going to be sharing some advanced Facebook Search Techniques that you can use to find new prospects or potential clients to contact if that is part of your business marketing strategy.
You can also use these search techniques to find new interest targets for your Facebook ads.
I have opened three slots this week at noon, 2pm and 8pm eastern, so pick the time and day that works best for you. The first slot is tomorrow at 8pm eastern.
You can get full details at the link below and I hope to chat with you live some time this week.
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