Hey guys I've been working overtime to add some new features to LinkedEngine and I thought I'd spend a few minutes sharing them with you.
1. Invitation Tracking. Once you have imported your contacts into the software for the first time, LinkedEngine will automatically check for new connections that have been made each time you start the software and add them to your list of connections.
2. Automatic greeting. Once new connections are imported, you have the option to have the software send them a personalized greeting one day after they accepted your invitation. So you can initiate the conversation by thanking them for connecting with you.
3. Database driven results. I have been trying to move away from the .CSV files because some people have trouble with them and it's easy to mess up your data. Currently the data for people searches has been converted to database data. Group searches and other categories are still .CSV file for now.
4. Scheduling. You can schedule how often you want the software to check for new connections and send your new connections introductory greetings. Whether you want to do so once per day, once per week or some other interval, you have that flexibility.
These features are currently live in the Enterprise Edition and I will be rolling them out in Standard and Professional in the next day or two.
Once the updates are incorporated into the Standard and Professional, the price for all 3 editions will be increasing for new purchases. Current customers and those who purchase before the changes will still pay the current price.
The price will be increasing to $47/monthly, $97/quarterly, and $247/annualy, up from $27 monthly, $67 quarterly, and $197 annually.
If you want to take advantage of these new features, and get in at the current price, you need to get your subscription in the next couple of days, because the update will be rolling out shortly.
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