[PanicZone] survey for me to get to know everyone
hi everyone,
well, i'm new on the list, and i figured that i'd want to get to know
everyone... so i've randomly made up a survey- just a bunch of random
questions that came to me. feel free to answer only the ones you want
1:. what is your name?. emily
2. where are you from?. england, up north..
3: how long have you been a member of the list?. about a day...
4:. why are you here?. a variety of issues which i'll talk about in time
5: does this list help you?. dunno yet... only just joined!
6: do you have a good support network?. not really...
7:. what is it you want to get out this list?. just talking to people
about my problems, and helping others cope too
8: how long have you been dealing with your issues?. about 13 years
(though i've had psymptoms all my life)
some fun questions:
9: what's your fave colour?. silver
10: fave food?. fries (or chips here in the UK)
11. fave actor / actress?. jim carey
12. fave music group at the moment?. the drezdon dolls
13. fave solo artist at the moment?. torie amos
14. fave song?. upside down- torie amos
15. fav tv series?. downton abby
16. fave drink?. dr pepper
17. fave time of day?. early evening
18. watch any sports?. maybe a little olympics.. that's it
19. pets?. a dog and a budgie
20. sisters/ brother?. sister who is younger than me
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have a panic attack is that it will pass
whether it passes quickly or slowly
depends whether I drop the idea of it
being dangerous or not.
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