[Panic-Attacks] Digest Number 2616
1 New Message
Wed Nov 21, 2012 10:22 am (PST) . Posted by:
"Laura Dailey" lornasback68
I have not been seeing my therapist, I have a hard time finding the motivation to get myself out the door. I get worse this time of year, as it gets darker and colder. Most meds do not agree with me, they make me shake. I also have diabetes, so between shaking when on meds, having low blood sugar, and just the attack itself sometimes it is hard for me to tell which end is up. I am agoraphobic, I have been for too many years to count, this year I went back to school on line
so I feel as if I am doing something uselful while I am trying to get myself in a better place.
Best of luck to you,
From: "moosesrambo@
To: Panic-Attacks@
Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2012 12:52 PM
Subject: [Panic-Attacks] FW: Yahoo! Groups: Welcome to Panic-Attacks. Visit today!
Hello thanks for letting me join this group. I am 61 years old. Recently separated. I have had anxiety and panic attacks for as long as I can remember. I Have been on medication. Been to counselors. I am currently seeing a therapist and am not taking medication. My panic attacks and anxiety have been getting worse since I left my husband of 28 years Mary
-----Forwarded Message-----
Date: Saturday, November 17, 2012 1:23:15 pm
To: moosesrambo@
From: "Panic-Attacks Moderator" <Panic-Attacks-
Subject: Yahoo! Groups: Welcome to Panic-Attacks. Visit today!
Hi, welcome to the group :)
I am one of the List Moderators, my name is June. I hope you enjoy your stay with us and find it helpful. Everyone is friendly and supportive, and share some helpful tips to beat Panic Attacks. If you know of any that help you too, please don't hesitate to share them with the group :)
Please also read the message below from Kevin, also List moderator,for helpful guidance for introducing yourself to other members. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Love and blessings
Welcome to Panic-Attacks
My name is Kevin and i am the List Moderator:
What i ask people to do upon subscription is to write in with an introduction .
In this introduction include things such as your Name your age , your location(approximat
Please state What therapy Orthodox or Complementary if any you are currently using, or any that you have tried in the past
You may if you wish include details of any medication that you are prescribed and any other information that you feel like
divulging such as marital status , number of Children etc or any other medical complaints you have that may exacerbate your condition.
Please feel free to share your story here openly and know that it will be met with Compassion ,Love , Understanding and Empathy or CLUE as i call it , if you share you will quickly realise that in this group we do have a CLUE .
I look forward to Reading your Introduction Via the group Shortly.
Welcome aboard .
Love and Light
List Moderator
Sacred Space
Natural Healing Consultants
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