Re: [PanicZone] hey guys
I think a lot of us can relate to how you're feeling with regard to the lonliness and few or no friends. I've been agoraphobic for ....gosh, I hate to say HOW long lol. I sure wouldn't want to give people the impression that there is no hope for this condition. But for me, it's been this long due to a lack of help/understanding right from day one. I'm sure there is hope, and I'm sure there is help, but for me, I'm pretty much left to my own devices in fighting or enduring this. And believe me, I've tried everything!!!!!
As for friends, all I have is a couple of online friends. I am married, and I do have grown children. I appreciate when my daughters come for a visit (in fact, my youngest came back home to live for a year and a half... she just moved out again and I had to go through empty nest yet once again lol). My marriage has been bad, almost from the beginning, but I have learned how to let all the irritations and abuse slide off my back. That took a lot of years to learn... but by learning HOW to deal/cope with his temper and abuse, I'm not AS on edge anymore.
And this sort of brings me to the reason why I don't really know if meds are the answer. I'm sure for many it is... but for me, it's just not doable. I think we do need to learn "coping skills". I think that can go a long way in learning how not to live on edge all the time. But, as I mentioned, I'm still agoraphobic... there are still things that I need to learn to cope with.
I applaud you for your honesty in telling the group that you are not living with your wife right now. Yeah, I guess if you're not a smoker, it can be very irritating. In fact, I could imagine that the smoke could enhance your anxiety in itself. Is there any way that you could get her to just smoke outdoors? A lot of people these days do not smoke in their own homes because of the non-smokers around them. As for her music... maybe get her an ipod LOL. I just got one and now I can listen to my (loud) music whenever I want LOL. I need my music because it helps to keep me in a better state of mind (I refer to it as having a party going on in my head whenever I want ....and that way, I can ignore hubby too LOL).
But you are right about the lonliness. It can be very distressful much of the time. Just keep writing to the group... your thoughts are being heard.
--- On Wed, 5/23/12, Giorgio Spaguetti <> wrote:
From: Giorgio Spaguetti <>
Subject: [PanicZone] hey guys
To: "" <>
Received: Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 1:10 PM
I noticed no one is saying a word in this group anymore
hey i feel the same as you guys very lonely and not normal. i decided not to take my medication for one day
big mistake at the middle of the night i had a severe panic attack
But i hate the medication too i get stomach cramps, headaches muscle pain and it lowers my blood plessure
big time
i wish there was something better to take to make me feel better
but i am as lonely as you are no friends too causse they just dont undertand this disorder
i got a confession to make am not even living with my wife and i do love my wife but she smokes
a lot and plays music loud and it gets me very anxious and i get panic attacks
so am losing my wife thanks to this crappy disorder
Somehow at my parents i feel safe so i dont feel anxious or get any attacks but its wrong cause am leaving
my wife behind
but its when i go out when i start feeling nervous and stressful
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have a panic attack is that it will pass
whether it passes quickly or slowly
depends whether I drop the idea of it
being dangerous or not.
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