Widget By Devils Workshop

[PanicZone] hey guys


I noticed  no one is saying  a word  in this group  anymore
hey  i feel  the  same as you guys  very lonely  and not  normal.  i decided  not to  take my medication  for one day
big mistake  at  the middle  of the night  i had a severe panic  attack
But  i hate  the medication  too   i get stomach cramps, headaches  muscle pain  and it lowers my blood plessure
big  time
i wish  there was something better to take  to  make me feel better
but  i am as lonely  as you are  no friends too  causse  they  just dont  undertand  this disorder
i got a confession  to  make  am not  even living  with my wife  and  i do  love my  wife  but  she smokes
a lot and plays music loud  and  it  gets me  very  anxious   and   i get panic attacks
so  am losing  my wife  thanks to this crappy disorder 
Somehow  at  my parents i  feel safe  so  i dont feel  anxious  or get any attacks  but  its wrong  cause am  leaving
my  wife behind
but  its  when  i go out  when i start feeling nervous  and stressful

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Recent Activity:
The only thing that can happen when I
have a panic attack is that it will pass
whether it passes quickly or slowly
depends whether I drop the idea of it
being dangerous or not.



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