[PanicZone] Re: hi all
--- In PanicZone@yahoogroups.com, "jacobs_indiana" <jacobs_indiana@...> wrote:
> hey got some questions, see if anyone here relates. do any of you have
> skipped beats with your heart? do any of you just not feel right or
> tired all the time? thats how it has been with me. just got all the
> heart tests done and the dr said i was fine, i just need to lose
> weight and get more exercise, we'll a would love to be able to just go
> out and walk arround the neightborhood but i have some agoraphoboia
> issues im working on and im afraid when i get in our pool because my
> heart skips beats that it is going to stop. can anyone here relate or
> am i just going nuts???? i just want to enjoy the blessings i have but
> it is hard to when you have this hanging over your head! anyway ya all
> have a great day! tonya
Hi.....My name is Valerie and I am new to this group. I have the same problem!!!!! My heart will skip a beat and the fear becomes overwhelming!! I am also becoming an agoraphobic. so i am afraid to walk or do anything that will bring on the heart skipping. Its a horrible feeling. I have always suffered from panic attacks but as I got older this is developing. ECG came back ok. so go figure :)
have a panic attack is that it will pass
whether it passes quickly or slowly
depends whether I drop the idea of it
being dangerous or not.
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