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Re: [PanicZone] alcohol


I realize that many drugs prescribed by doctors affect the liver - all of them,
in fact. They are all metabolized by the liver, but not all of them do damage
to it to the same extent as alcohol.

As a person with Bipolar I, who inherited it from my "father" who was an
alcoholic (his father was an alcoholic too), I know all too well the
temptations of alcohol. I avoid alcohol not because it makes me feel bad, but
because it makes me feel TOO good. It does reduce my anxiety and panic, true,
but it replaces them with something more related to my Bipolar I - a form of
hypomania that lasts until the alcohol wears off.

I do not accuse you of being an alcoholic, just to be clear. I simply state
that alcohol damages the liver and the brain, when used in more than small
amounts (there are some who argue that it causes damage, even in those small
amounts), and there is a risk of developing tolerance to it, then dose
escalation, and physical dependency (e.g. alcoholism) when used over long
periods of time.

Currently I am on Lithium (that can damage my liver, kidneys and thyroid
gland), Klonopin and Xanax. The last two give me another reason to avoid
alcohol, and are to treat my Panic Disorder.

Sincere Regards,

On 1/30/2012 09:25 PM, MCherry wrote:
> Yes,Alcohol affects your liver. But alot of medications do also. Otherwise,
> the doctors wouldn't do liver tests before putting you on many medications.
> If I have severe panic, I DO drink and it works for me . The next day I am
> fine. I think this is individual. Living with anxiety, total weirdness,
> suicidal thoughts, etc. Whatever keeps me alive or makes me feel happier
> works. If alcohol makes you feel worse, don't do it. There is no perfect
> answer. I've done tons of therapy and have some insights that help me work
> through my weirdness. But it is so tiring. So tiring. Y ou sometimes just
> want the easier answers. So although I know it is not the original answer, I
> medicate myself with alcohol, dark chocolate(to raise my serotonin levels so
> I can breathe,etc).I don't have a doctor over my shoulder to help me all the
> time.
> Mary Cherry

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The only thing that can happen when I
have a panic attack is that it will pass
whether it passes quickly or slowly
depends whether I drop the idea of it
being dangerous or not.



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