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Re: [PanicZone] alcohol


I used to drink when I was manic, when I was depressed and when I was anxious
and panicking. I can tell you from my experience that alcohol is neither a
cure nor a good treatment for any of these things. It will do more harm to
you, as well. As you begin to depend on it for comfort, you will need more and
more to get the same effect - this will damage your liver.

It is better to seek treatment from a psychiatrist and a therapist than to
continue to self-medicate. There are drug-free treatments for anxiety, as well
as some natural supplements that can help. The medications that are usually
prescribed for panic are much safer than using alcohol, as well.


On 1/29/2012 05:41 PM, tiffini wrote:
> Does anyone use alcohol to manage there anxiety symptoms? I have panic
> disorder with agoraphobia. When I am having severe panic I will drink. Then
> when I am coming off the alcohol I panic even more so I keep drinking. I am
> scared I am going to die when I stop drinking

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Recent Activity:
The only thing that can happen when I
have a panic attack is that it will pass
whether it passes quickly or slowly
depends whether I drop the idea of it
being dangerous or not.



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