Re: [PanicZone] New to the group
I am going to have to ask my doctor if there is a klonopin that you can
dissolve under your tongue for faster effect. Sounds like a good idea.
-------Original Message-------
Date: 10/26/2011 10:18:40 AM
Subject: Re: [PanicZone] New to the group
Your friend actually has the right idea. Anxiety meds can be taken under
the tounge and dissolved there, according to drs. Mine explaines that it
goes directly to the bloodstream, bypassing the stomache and helping it act
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-----Original message-----
From: "Dave, Walking Escher's Staircase" <>
Sent: Tue, Oct 25, 2011 20:48:53 GMT+00:00
Subject: Re: [PanicZone] New to the group
Hi. I do not post here very much but I wanted to tell you what I do when I
am going to be in a situation that I know is going to make me panic. I had,
for example, a creative writing class last spring that was small and
intimate and because I could not lost in the crowd or sit in the back of the
room it was very intense for me (I have social anxiety). My coping strategy
was to take a klonopin (antianxiety pill) about 20 minutes before class
began. It did not totally control the anxiety but it took the edge off
enough that I was able to at least sit there for the 2 hours of the class
and when called on the couple times I was able to participate a little. A
friend told me to chew the pill rather than swallow it whole as it
intensifies and quickens the effect but obviously this is not doctor
recommended, the pills taste awful, and honestly I got little more benefit
from doing that than taking one and swallowing it when I knew I was going
into an anxiety producing situation. I also take buspar which is a longer
term maintenance drug for anxiety which doesn't really help a whole lot for
me but again it takes the edge off. Klonopin, or some people take adavan or
other drugs in that class called benzodiazipine's are good for acute attacks
while like I said buspar (generic busperone) is good as a long term general
maintenance drug.
Your friend,
Dave and Tommy-Katz the other famous orange arctic cat
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The only thing that can happen when I
have a panic attack is that it will pass
whether it passes quickly or slowly
depends whether I drop the idea of it
being dangerous or not.Yahoo! Groups Links
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
have a panic attack is that it will pass
whether it passes quickly or slowly
depends whether I drop the idea of it
being dangerous or not.
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