[PanicZone] I feel bad for this woman
Tc talk soon hugs.
Christina and Penny
Hi all,
I feel so bad today. There are 2 women who go to daycare with me.
One of them can't talk but she tries to say some words and she laughs
when you play around with her. This other lady on the other hand
doesn't like the disabled woman cause she makes a lot of noise but I
along with other people from the daycare know she can't help herself.
Today we were loading the buses to go home, and a staff member was
putting the lady on the bus; the one who can't talk good. She asked
the clients where to put her and this hateful wench said put her at
the back of the bus, where there's no air blowing on her so she can be
all hot while we all are cool under the AC. Part of me wanted to
curse this lady out but I kept my cool until I got home then I let out
some steam by screaming. I felt so bad I cried for this poor woman,
who doesn't bother anybody and can't fend for herself. I want to
punch this other lady in the face so bad. I wish this disabled woman
was part of my family, she wouldn't be sitting stuffed up in the back
of the bus. The poor woman was crying. I wanted to go to the back of
that bus and get her from there. Fred said he'll talk to the staff
tomorrow cause I won't be there. If Fred forgets I'm gonna remind him
or go to the office and make a complaint cause this isn't right,
besides it's cruel!
have a panic attack is that it will pass
whether it passes quickly or slowly
depends whether I drop the idea of it
being dangerous or not.
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