[PanicZone] Craniofacial acceptance month
Tc talk soon hugs.
Christina and Penny
Hi all,
Just to let you all know that September is craniofacial acceptance
month. If you have children, this month is about educating them about
patients born with or have acquired craniofacial anomalies to be
excepted as they are in society without the taunts and stares. Please
check out
www.ccakids.org for info on national craniofacial exceptance month.
It also has my story on the family stories page.
As some of you may know or have heard of this, I was born with a cleft
to the face which includes the roof of my mouth, lips, and midface. I
had eye damage as a result and this is how I lost my sight. It wasn't
easy for me being excepted as I am, being stared at and made fun of by
the world which has caused some of my depression.
Beyond the face is a heart.
have a panic attack is that it will pass
whether it passes quickly or slowly
depends whether I drop the idea of it
being dangerous or not.
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