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[PanicZone] To Declaw or not Declaw


Tc talk soon hugs.
Christina and Penny

Fred wants to declaw Precious because she keeps scratching the
furniture. We just got new furniture and we keep a rug on the floor
so she can scratch that and not the couches. I on the other hand
don't want her declawed because we sometimes get mice and I'm worried
she won't be able to catch mice. I'm worried the declawing will hurt
her since she's getting older; we had her for 3 years. I've mentioned
to Fred about slipping the soft paws on her and he said he'll look
into it when we take her to the vet.

Recent Activity:
The only thing that can happen when I
have a panic attack is that it will pass
whether it passes quickly or slowly
depends whether I drop the idea of it
being dangerous or not.



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