[PanicZone] My day today
Tc talk soon hugs.
Christina and Penny
Went to the eye doc today for my eye exam. Doc removed lots of junk
from my eyes and said I need warm compresses cause something on the
part of my eyes was clogged or something. I asked him if I can put
drops in it he said there's no drops for it just warm compresses. I
asked about drops because he wanted me to massage the part of my eyes
and I'm worried of getting them all red from excessive rubbing.
Finally he prescribed us both drops. But then when I told the
secretary to ask him how many times a day I'm to use the drops he
tells her he wrote it on the prescription. I said wow doc thanks for
a big help, like we can see the damn thing. I got teary eyed, cried,
took the prescription to daycare. Thanks to the daycare nurse who
told us the dosage. Ugh stupid doctors. Oh and then he gives us the
drops and tells us to come back in 6 months, how dumb of him. I like
when docs get you to follow up in a couple of weeks to see how you do
with the med then schedule 6 months. This doc is backwards. I'm
gonna call tomorrow and get us an early apt because I'd like to know
how I did on the med. I'll never know what happens between now and 6
have a panic attack is that it will pass
whether it passes quickly or slowly
depends whether I drop the idea of it
being dangerous or not.
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