Re: [PanicZone] Hello
Hi Jackie,
I know from my own experience that stress and traumatic events can cause the panic to increase. I have also learned that it goes in clusters. I have had panic and anxiety disorder for over 20 years. Deaths in my family have been a huge trigger for me in the past. I have also had times in that 20 year span where I had no panic for years just to have it re-surface. Have you tried going to a therapist or psychologist? That is something that has helped me. It's too bad the medications haven't helped you. I don't take anything daily, I just have a sedative incase of an attack.I also deal with a lot of panic and anxiety in the morning, which makes it really difficult to get up and function and get to work.
You're right in the statement you made, Only someone with this would understand it.
Patty --- On Thu, 7/28/11, Jackie Lewis <> wrote:
> From: Jackie Lewis <>
> Subject: [PanicZone] Hello
> To: "" <>
> Date: Thursday, July 28, 2011, 9:36 PM
> I am new to this group. I just
> joined today. I am a 73 year old female. I live in Hemet
> CA where it is hot hot hot. I have had panic a few times
> in my life and it has always gone away after a while.
> Unfortunately I just lost my husband in December, but prior
> to that had been a full time 24/7 caregiver to him for eight
> years. Don't ask me how I managed for so long. We had
> retired to WA state and had been in that cool beautiful area
> for 22 years. I started getting nausea about once a week
> but did not relate it to any panic disorder. Because we
> had no relatives in that area we decided to move back to CA
> to be near our children both mine and his as we had none
> together. Well that was my big mistake. I got us moved
> to a nice hadicaped home only to find myself getting sicker
> and sicker. I have had every test known to man and have no
> physical reason for my panic. Unfortunately I did not
> realize my husband did not have the strength to
> handle this move and he died after only living back in CA
> for a year. Then I had a few more happenings that I might
> talk about later which pushed me over the edge.
> I have been trying all types of medications that seem to
> make me worse. I wake every morning in an empty house,
> except for my two dogs. Every morning I am waking earlier
> and earlier with panic. I have read many books and
> searched things online. I try to tell myself "This to
> shall pass", but I find myself checking myself for panic or
> anxiety every second of every day. I also have nausea so
> have lost a lot of weight. Not that I can't afford to shed
> a few lbs. I have been in the hospital 4 times while all
> kinds of doctors run tests. Well I am now out of tests and
> must accept the fact that my panic is just that and try to
> fight it.
> I hope all of you will help me to understand my body and
> why this happens. What do you all do, how do you cope? I
> would love to hear from everyone here. You can email me
> directly or by way of the board.
> Thank you for understanding. Only someone with this
> condition can understand.
> Jackie
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> ------------------------------------
> The only thing that can happen when I
> have a panic attack is that it will pass
> whether it passes quickly or slowly
> depends whether I drop the idea of it
> being dangerous or not.Yahoo! Groups Links
have a panic attack is that it will pass
whether it passes quickly or slowly
depends whether I drop the idea of it
being dangerous or not.
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