[PanicZone] Thank You
Thank you for your kindness. I have had a million tests, gastro, heart, and more. I also have IBS quite badly and am on some medication for that also. Mine started when I had my gallbladder removed about 15 years ago. If anyone needs to know what medications work for me on that I can tell you. Just send me an email.
As for panic/anxiety/nausea I am a wreck and don't have any answers yet. I feel like I get worse daily. I was on Lexapro but it gave me such night sweats I backed off it. I am starting Zolost in it's place but have only been on it a few days.
One of my problems is I fear these medications so keep trying to stop which is a big mistake on my part as I then get worse.
I live in a small town without many good doctors. I am in the process of trying to locate a doctor that is not a million miles away. I also have the agoraphobia and if I go out I like run back. Don't know why as I am just as bad at home. Since my husbands death I am all alone in the house and I think that is part of my fear.
Good luck to all of you. I am so glad I found someone else who has these problems.
Jackie in hot, hot Hemet CA
have a panic attack is that it will pass
whether it passes quickly or slowly
depends whether I drop the idea of it
being dangerous or not.
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