[PanicZone] i talked to my mom
i talked to my mom a bit about whats going on here with mine and my gfs boyfriend. she said he should leave as well. but i have to make decisions with my girlfriend before we do anything. in all honesty i would like to see him go only because i hate watching my girlfriend get hurt so much. she cant trust him and doesnt know if she can believe he loves her so why have him here. i dont want him to touch me or even look at me. i cant stand to look at hime right now either. i know my cousin is uncomfortable around him. and we were trying to get pregnant and now he is mad because i told him i was getting on birth control so there would be no chance of me getting pregnant at all. i dont want a baby with a liar and a cheater. he doesnt care what we say or think he lies to get his way through and it really pisses me off. i hate that he is doing this. i love him but if he wants something else then he needs to go. and if he wants to play around on people like he is a little boy then he needs to go as well. i am tired of wondering how long it will be til he does things again and i want to have a stable healthy loving happy relationship with my girlfriend. she is my one true love. and i want her happy, now before she has said that he made her happy and so do i. but now i think she is rethinking... atleast i hope she is rethinking. i dont want to make him go to hurt her. i want him to go because its hurting her with him being here. and she may not see it but i do and so do others. my cousin included watching from the outside looking in the house to him and to me are totally different when he is gone. we can be ourselves and not worry about what we say or what we do.
i dont know i just want to be happy and when he is gone my anxiety level is so much better then when he is here. when he is here i walk on glass.
have a panic attack is that it will pass
whether it passes quickly or slowly
depends whether I drop the idea of it
being dangerous or not.
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