Re: [PanicZone] Chinese metal balls
I love those things.
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On May 28, 2011, at 4:51 AM, Christina Mitchell <> wrote:
> Well today I went to group. My therapist broke me out of a habit
> (clamping my hands together tightly when I'm seated). It's a sign of
> nervousness and tension. I don't know what I was so tensed about.
> Today we talked about areas of tension like the head, neck, hands, Etc
> and ways to relieve tension via it be meditation, sleeping, playing
> music or watching tv for distraction, taking warm baths, reading,
> doing crossword puzzles, etc. So she broke me from this habit and
> another thing I do is play with my hair (ugh thank goodness I don't
> work right now cause these habits would look bad on a job. So anyway
> she showed us these Chinese metal balls with the bells in them.
> They're about the size of golf balls and you take 2 of them in your
> hands and move them around in your hands and the bells ring in them so
> you get like a music sound when you move them around. It helps you
> focus on what you're doing so you're not so tensed. I like the sounds
> they made. I played with them the whole session and the therapist
> said I did good; I was focused on the balls and there was no more
> tension. Has anyone tried these? I think they're cool. She'll let
> me do them next session. I may get some of my own. One place I heard
> they have them in is the mall. Any other stores like Walmart or KMart
> I can get them from? Tc talk soon hugs.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
have a panic attack is that it will pass
whether it passes quickly or slowly
depends whether I drop the idea of it
being dangerous or not.
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