[PanicZone] Tuesday
Well saw the psych and had group therapy on Tuesday. The daycare
drivers drove me and this other patient to the same place; she and I
share the therapist. I thought I wasn't gonna see both psych and
therapist cause of the timing; they got us there before 9, yay that
they got us there on time since the other patient complained. But
yeah anyway I had like 3 or 4 folks ahead of me to see the psych, and
I thought it would cut into the time I see the therapist; the group
meetings are an hour long. So I finally got called in, spent about 10
or 15 minutes with psych; she talked with me a bit see what I'd have
on my mind, called in my meds, gave me my new appointment and then I
went across the hall for group. Group went ok and psych's decreasing
my doses on Lorazepam (Ativan) however you spell this crap. Pharmacy
says I have refills from what the psych in the psych unit did; I'll
need a new refill pretty soon. Tc talk soon hugs.
have a panic attack is that it will pass
whether it passes quickly or slowly
depends whether I drop the idea of it
being dangerous or not.
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