Re: [PanicZone] My surgery and how my mom took things... got the word from Fred
Wishing you ( christina) and everyine here a happy easter.
It is not , fo us..
our mum , & my bes friend..
is in hospital for 4 months..
and had a major stroke.
Its true what they say , no atheists in foxholes...
I'd give anything to give her back that great strength.
all the best to you all.
From: Christina Mitchell <>
Sent: Sat, April 23, 2011 7:13:31 PM
Subject: [PanicZone] My surgery and how my mom took things... got the word from
Hi all surgery went ok. I've got swelling in my ear so hearing in my
right ear's down at the moment so will need to strain to hear for
awhile until it heals up completely. I had an overnight stay. Man I
tell ya it was the most scariest overnight stay I ever had in the
hospital. I was eating my dinner when I heard this sound and them
announcing codes blue and gray over the loudspeaker. I nearly had a
heart attack in that place. I was next to the nurse's station so
nurses could watch me and stuff. My nurse looked and saw I was scared
out my wits and said, "We're ok it's just a fire drill." I was like
huh? what the hell? The nurse said Christina calm down everything
will be ok it's only a fire drill. She closed my door until
everything was all clear then she opened it and said, "we're all clear
now. I told you we're ok. So anyway after all that, slept in the
most oddest bed I ever slept in; the bed kept vibrating me and I felt
I was going up and up; it vibrated my legs and my upper body. I asked
the nurse what the hell kind of bed is this? She laughed and said
it's an air bed, said it shifts and vibrates with your weight and
movement and such... that bed vibrated every 5 minutes; I barely got
any sleep; I kept tossing and turning. Oh the nurses took the meds I
had in my bag, made copies of them and ordered them all so I could
take what they gave me, not what I had in my bag. So... oh almost
forgot, I got word from Fred when I got home that mom was very upset
that she couldn't make it to my operation because she fell off her
bike the night before and got herself beat up pretty badly. So she
was upset and crying and Fred had to calm her; he talked to her all
night he said. He was like, "ma, Chris will be ok." She knows you
can't make it. She kept saying "Fred you don't understand" my baby
had an operation and I'm not there... Fred you know I always come to
my baby's surgeries. He said I know ma, but take it easy and get
yourself better; she's in good hands. Hospital said she kept calling
and they kept telling her I was sleeping. Ugh.. moms... gotta love
them. Tc talk soon hugs.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
have a panic attack is that it will pass
whether it passes quickly or slowly
depends whether I drop the idea of it
being dangerous or not.
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