[PanicZone] People just don't get it
People just don't get it. They don't know what it's like to reach out
to family and be pushed away like you're not worth anything but a
piece of meat to them. Then I get people who say "Oh we have to learn
to forgive and forget." We say things we don't mean. Well shit tell
my brothers and sisters that case manager! I did nothing wrong to
forgive on. My
sis left me in the street so I'd get hit by a car when I was a little
kid. I forgave but never forgot. I forgave her that first time.
Then she turned around and did it again only cause I wouldn't see
things her way. I'll forgive if you hurt me the first time, but when
you hurt me again and again, I get to the point where I don't even
know what the word forgive is anymore. Forgive? That's nothing but a
word to me. It has no meaning. When you call me a bitch the first
time and I forgive you, help you, give you a place to stay when you
have nothing and you call me a bitch again and talk about me like a
dog and tell me I'm not your sister or part of the family, I get
tired. I get fed up. I throw my hands in the air and start to say
f--- it. Tc talk soon hugs.
have a panic attack is that it will pass
whether it passes quickly or slowly
depends whether I drop the idea of it
being dangerous or not.
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