[PanicZone] More on surgery and recovery; day1 and day2
So here's more; I called transportation Wednesday afternoon to book my
ride and these people calls me Wednesday evening to tell me they
couldn't find a ride for me, that they were still looking, call them
between 4 and 5 A.M Thursday morning to see if they got me a ride. I
was so pissed I turned off the music, turned off the tv, threw myself
on the bed and tried to sleep it off but couldn't. I was having these
racing thoughts in my head of how I was gonna get to surgery cause I
didn't wanna cancel out since it took me 2 months to get scheduled for
this and I really wanted this to be over. So I told Fred f--- this,
we're gonna catch a cab with the little bit of money we have and thank
goodness it was only 25 dollars and the driver charged us 20 to get to
the hospital. So I gets up at around 4 A.M and check on these people
to see if they got a ride for me; no luck. Called again at 5, still
no luck. I got mad and punched my cell to hang up, turned it off,
said come on Fred let's catch this damn cab. So we were out the house
by 5:30 and we got the cab and I was there by 6; we were there before
the clinic even opened up; we had to sit in the lobby until they
opened up. So I gets all prepped up; here comes the anesthesiologist
with the I.V, the nurses asking me the same questions over and over,
and lastly came the surgeon. I asked him if I would have a bandage
over my ear he said yeah. I then explained to him I'll need help with
the dressing and that my mom's not here to help me like she did the
last time. So he asked could I come in first thing the next day. At
first I said yeah, but I thought about it and something in my mind
said "Chris, you better tell him before he leaves, let him admit your
behind in the hospital." So I asked him could I be admitted cause the
other option didn't make sense to me since I was already having
trouble with transportation and I had no more money left to catch
anything else. So he agreed to admit me. Then I asked him if it was
ok for Fred to stay the night with me he said the hospital didn't
allow it so I had to let him go before I was taken to the O.R. They
got him transportation to go home and by the time I woke up in
recovery he was gone. In recovery my throat was so raw; I mean they
must've shoved the tube down my throat after I stopped breathing from
anesthesia. I couldn't talk; they really partied on my ear and
throat. Then I was sore from the neck down like I had a workout or
something. I don't know if it was the bed or the way they lifted me
from O.R to recovery. I told you about the smoke alarm thing so um...
yeah. So Friday the doctor (not my surgeon but the resident) came to
me late that morning. I psyched myself because I thought I wasn't
going home due to Good Friday. Ha I got fooled. He came in and I was
knocked out from 2 tylenol 3's and he kept calling me to wake up. So
I woke up finally after 3 calls of my name and he said, "This is Dr.
Patell from Dr. Jyung's office." How you feelling? I said uh huh.
You wanna go home? I said uh huh. Will write more.
have a panic attack is that it will pass
whether it passes quickly or slowly
depends whether I drop the idea of it
being dangerous or not.
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