[PanicZone] Trigger adult language: My sister's a f---ing idiot
My subject line says it all; she's a f---ing idiot. This wench calls
me wednesday night and tells me my brother's birthday party was
saturday, which was yesterday. She told me the party starts from 7 pm
to 2 A.M. She asked me to book a ride with my transportation access
link to pick us all up including my bf. She said not to tell my bro I
was coming with her cause she was gonna surprise him for his birthday.
She said not to call him so I didn't. I asked this girl for the
address so I can book the reservation, she gives me 130. I asked her
about 4 times if she was sure 130 was the correct address she said she
believes it is. I said since you don't want me to do the calling
please call him to get the address for sure cause I need it for the
ride. If she tells me the wrong address, they can't drive us to the
right address; they have to go by how you set the trip up. If you
give these people the wrong address you either have to be stuck at
that address until your return trip to go home, or go back home and
pay extra money and who the hell wants to do that when you can find
out the right address? So I said Carol are you sure 130's the right
address she says yes just book the trip. So thursday comes and she
rings our phone off the hook bugging me to book this damn trip. I
told her I'd book it friday cause I wanna see if she'll be smart and
give me the right address. So I go to book this trip friday using the
same addy she gave me. If it was the wrong address I would've made
her get off the bus with us and have her walk us a few blocks over to
the right address which isn't too far from 130. Friday afternoon she
calls me saying she won't get off work till late, after I texted her
saying the bus would pick us up between 6:35 and 7:15 Pm. I said why
can't you just bring a set of changing clothes with you to work and
change when you get off? Or either bring the clothes to our house and
come here and change clothes. She's like oh it takes me 2 hours to
come home from worke and blase blah. So I asked her if she wants me
to push back the time and she said yes. Ok so I'm calling these
people again, still using this same addy, but changed the time to 8:00
and 8:40 pm. I asked her was this time good she said yeah. Now here
came saturday which was yesterday and I'm in bed sleeping so I could
be well rested for this party and this girl calls me saying "Oh you
and Fred can go alone cause I can't make it due to work so call Rod
and tell him it'll just be you 2 coming." And she says btw I think
the address is 140 not 130. Boy was I pissed! At times I wish my mom
could've made me the oldest sister cause here I'm the youngest out the
bunch and I have a mentality way older than theirs. It's a damn
shame. I gave her a good cuss out. I said why the f--- would you
call me at the f---ing last minute to now tell me the correct addy
when you could've given it to me 2 days in advance? She starts
disputing me like she knows how this bus system works and doesn't have
a pot to piss in and a window to throw it out of; meaning she thinks
she knows everything and doesn't know a damn thing. So I was so
pissed off with this fool that I gave her a piece of my mind and she
hung up. Now she texts me saying she thinks the addy's 282.
Meanwhile I call my brother and his addy was 140. But the correct
addy wasn't any good to me cause I couldn't reserve the trip over. I
had to cancel that trip all together. So she swears up and down she
didn't say 282 and I know what the text said. I was gonna forward to
her what she wrote to me but I lost the message and couldn't retrieve
it. So because of that she calls me a lying b---- and says she wants
nothing to do with me. I gave this idiot a place to lay her head when
she had nowhere to go. I put food in her belly when she had no food
to eat, and this is what I get in return? This is how she thanks me?
By giving me her ass to kiss? I'm so damn stupid I just don't know
when to say no. I'm too damn nice and nobody appreciates it. I hate
myself for this BS. I'm so tired; enough's a damn enough. I told her
since she doesn't want nothing to do with me, forget my number and get
her address changed from mine to hers cause I don't want her mail
coming here. I'll put return to sender and send the shit back. I
hated myself so much I beat myself up and cried my eyes out and I
ended up with a headache cause my depression and anxiety decided to
f--- with me. I took my last 2 tylenols and slept it off, woke up and
ate dinner and now I'm writing here. This hurts so much. Here my
brother's partying having him a good time and I get to suffer cause
this sis of mine decided to make a complete asshole out herself.
Turned out she couldn't go to the party either, because she got off
work late just for making me suffer. Dog doesn't like ugly; folks I
hope you know who I'm talking about cause do to list rules I can't say
it here. But spell dog backwards and you'll get what I mean. Sorry
folks that this is so long but I'm so freaking pissed with this girl I
could hurt her whenever I get the chance especially when she calls me
out my name and I've done her a favor for the past several months.
Sorry for the language but I've had it to here and I'm sick and tired
of being sick and tired. I don't think my bro wanted me to come
either cause if he did he would've found somebody to pick me and Fred
up. Tc talk soon hugs.
have a panic attack is that it will pass
whether it passes quickly or slowly
depends whether I drop the idea of it
being dangerous or not.
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