[PanicZone] Therapy Today
Well went to therapy today even though I didn't wanna get out of bed
cause I was so tired but I pushed myself since I took a break Friday.
Didn't want her to start wondering if I missed another day so I woke
up and started messing around with my cat Precious for a few minutes
before getting dressed and she took the tiredness out of me. My sis
came over this morning to use the computer; I told her to pump it up
(my way of saying hurry up) cause I was leaving to go to therapy and
she didn't call to say she was coming over; so I told her she's lucky
cause she would've been outside ringing my doorbell for nothing; I
hate when people show up unexpected as if they figure I don't have a
psych life. So She used the computer for a short while and I guess
went to the beauty salon across the street from me to get her hair
done and sat there till I got back and she came back once I got home.
Anyway back to therapy; yay she listened to me! She's gonna put me in
group sessions! Her next group is on the 29th of this month but I
told her I see the psych that day and the therapists usually don't
schedule people on the day they see the psychs but she was trying to
squeeze in between the time I see the psych and I said if the psych
has lots of people ahead of me I don't want her session to cut into
the therapist's session and what makes the time so slim is my psych is
only in during the morning and the therapist only has group in the
morning. So she scratched that date out and gave me the 1st of April,
that way I can still see the psych on the 29th of this month. Plus
the therapist is taking a vacation break which gives me a few weeks
break. Yay! Ok Chris settle down lol. I get to catch up on some
sleep. Oh sugar honey iced tea I forget I have blood work tomorrow.
But even that won't take long and I can still stuff my face after
fasting and rest up. Tc talk soon hugs.
have a panic attack is that it will pass
whether it passes quickly or slowly
depends whether I drop the idea of it
being dangerous or not.
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