Widget By Devils Workshop

[PanicZone] hello



I havn't had a panic attack in years but I still suffer from anxiety.
It really won't go away.
At the moment I'm not sure if the way I feel is because of anxiety of something else.
I feel irratated a lot and stressed and I can't relax. I bought a book to help me recently but as always its mostly for O.C.D or panic attacks.
I've started to try and do mroe yoga and that has helped in the past, I would love to just ahve a calm and relaxed day. As it is even the smallest thing can irratate me and put me in a mood.

It all started when I had a panic attack in a school assembly abotu 8 years ago. I didn't find out it was a panic attack for years when I seen it on tv. I was diagnosed with stress! Later I went back to the doctors ill again and they said i was suffering from anxiety. These days I can only blame anxeity for the way I feel and hope it goes away.

Any advice?

Cognitive Behavior Therapy worked to help my panic attacks, deep breathing and yoga.

Recent Activity:
The only thing that can happen when I
have a panic attack is that it will pass
whether it passes quickly or slowly
depends whether I drop the idea of it
being dangerous or not.

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