[PanicZone] Hello I am New, but ive been reading your posts and can relate
Ive been reading the emails i get from the group, recently. I joined maybe a few weeks ago.
I have pannic attacks, infact i had one really terrible waking up this morning, i felt very awful.
I also am on medication, zoloft, xanax, I have recently an ovarian cyst, Friday i find out if it is still there. I have been also on percocet for several years for pain issue.
I hate the medication because i feel like i cant live without it, at the end of the month, it starts to become like a count down till i get the pills, i read someone mentioned a lot about the withdrawal effects. I feel the medication well when you take less of it, or go many hours without it, it makes you go through some sort of severe pannick stricken state.
I am pannick stricken pretty much a lot lately. With the news of an ovarian cyst, last summer i had one rupture, this time not so bad symptms since it didnt rupture, but bloated stomach like a pregnant lady. Ive been on a special diet, and taking all natural food and drinks and special supplements. I could open a store with all the vitamins i have. BUt I do not know if they are helping. However, they arent hurting. And their easy to stop taking unlike the medication ive been put on.
I am running out of my medicine cause its been a tough month this month, and i need support, that i dont get from my friends, that i cant expect to get from my friends. When i try to get support its almost like people think, your nuts or something.
So I figured here i can get support, for my problems. I dont know whats causing suddenly ovarian cyst, and a sudden weight gain around my belly bloated. But its a scary feeling, it brings up a cancer scare.
I feel alone, and i feel like i cant get things done, like i want to stay in bed, i know i need to get on some other antidepressant, but i dont know what to do.
I also cant sleep on my own at night, i have tried vitamins to help, and its like a placebo compard to real medication. I havent been able to go to sleep without a pill, or naturally, in some years now. I woke feeling such a feeling like sweating, and almost shaking, until i took my medicine, and now i feel better, but this is a problem, dependent on this medicine physically, and goign through withdrawal with makes me so nervous, like a wreck.
I have to formulate a plan to get in control of this cause this is no way to live, counting down to the next perscription etc. I need help. Seriously. I never knew that when my dad was dying, and i couldnt handle it and went to the psychiatrist that these drugs, are so screwed up, and to stop taking them is like hell. Same with the pain medicine i was put on, i didnt know i wouldnt be able to stop taking this stuff, and ive tried a million times to lower it. And its like something bad happens and its hard to lower when your sick with another problem, the ovarian cyst.
Im in new york, so its like everythign all these natural products im taking vitamins etc, its so expensive, its more expensive then the medication i take... if you can imagine, like all the health stuff, i bought a green juice, it cost me 10$, and im supposed to be drinking it everyday, it taste awful, infact all of the stuff i have to take, the vitamin supplements and the liquid ones, wow, i never stated something as bad as that. But if its going to help, then ill continue to do it. Cause i need to get better.
Anyway im scared and alone, if you want to write to me, i wouldnt mind, to have someone to write to for support, or to give support.
I feel better now, after i took my medicine, but when i woke up, MY GOD, i felt like i was dying! I was so anxiety sticken and pannicked, now i feel better. I wonder if i would feel good all the time if i didnt ever go on this medicine, and life would be better. Its so hard to get off of it.
have a panic attack is that it will pass
whether it passes quickly or slowly
depends whether I drop the idea of it
being dangerous or not.
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