[PanicZone] Does depression meds make you happy?
Hi all,
My sis asked me this question last night as she was laying in bed;
does depression meds make you happy? I did the best I could by
explaining to her what my psych told me that there's a chemical
imbalance in the brain that plays a role in depression and that the
meds increase this chemical in our brain to keep us mentally balanced.
But here's the thing; my sis takes the meds but not as prescribed;
she takes it when she thinks she needs it and I told her that's not
good cause then the meds won't work anymore. And that seems to be her
problem; because she doesn't take the meds as prescribed she thinks
they've stopped working for her. Anyone ever hear their psychs say
the meds make you happy?
have a panic attack is that it will pass
whether it passes quickly or slowly
depends whether I drop the idea of it
being dangerous or not.
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