[PanicZone] So much 2say hard on blackberry
I am doing better.
U all listen,encourage,push,share experience and I am really grateful.
I want to do this on computer but something is wrong with it.
U All got me sober,thinking positive adjectives about myself and back on my walks.
I hope u all will continue to talk to me as I love this group.
U all have done more for me then therapy ever could.
I am getting dog after new y,walking,and trying to be positive.
I think I have found drums(interest) and will definitly talk to my shrink.
I love u all.
My defect is wearing my heart on my sleeve and maybe sharing to much. I never want to hurt anyone. I do well with compassion,and care,not tough love.
I have made so many strides from this group caring,listening and giving it brings me to tears.
Please tell me if my stuff is bringing u down. I can take it. Do u want me to leave. I can take it. I don't want to hurt you.
A person who has been *****raped,gang raped,manipulated,beaten used needs trust and I trust u all.
Please tell me how u feel.
I will leave if best interesrt of the group.
Thankyou for reading
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
have a panic attack is that it will pass
whether it passes quickly or slowly
depends whether I drop the idea of it
being dangerous or not.
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