Re: [PanicZone] Hi, I'm new
Mel u r the bomb, u explained it perfectly
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-----Original Message-----
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 2010 10:12:32
Subject: Re: [PanicZone] Hi, I'm new
Hi! I'm Mel + I have agoraphobia (fear of leaving the house) to. I can honestly tell you that I have learned more from the people in this group then I have ever learned from a therapist websight or book. Also the love and support from each other is intense and priceless, so you have come to the right place!
I have learned from Kevin to try to do a little more then I am comfortable with, and not to let my mind trap me into a routine. So if you are currently leaving the house for any reason, don't stop! If you do, you might loose that little bit of freedom.
(Kevin is also our resident vitamin genius. He's probably tired of me saying "ask Kevin" but he has helped so many people so much, I keep saying it!)
Evelyn recently told me about waiting out the panic attacks to. The theory is, not to run if you have a pa, but to wait it out before you turn around and get back to safety. (I'm not explaining this as well as you did, Eve. Will you try?)
Both Joe and Ron have experience in therapy, to. Joe's our musician and if occasionally shares some of his beautiful lyrics (when we convince him). Ron is a flipping genius. I don't know if he's been tested but if you have any questions about a diagnosis or mental illness, he can explain it point blank and make it understandable,to.
Jackie, Michelle, and Cathy )(and I hope me!) Are all really great listeners. Michelle and Cathy have really good advice, but Jackie doesn't usually give advice. She just listens and let's you know how much she cares (she is like your favorite aunt - the one who never judges you!)
If Michelle is up to it, and we can convince her to, she shares her walks with us. She can twist words into visions and its like you were there!
Actually, we all used to tell about our walks. It was a great incentive to get out of the house, and there was so much support! Cold weather is keeping more of us in,though. It was awesome + I hope we start again soon.
Another tradition is "be good to yourself Monday". It didn't happen this week (or at least it wasn't posted yet... Did you get to Kevin) but on Mondays we all try to do one good thing for ourselves and post it.
Finally, there is "thankful". When we're depressed we post one thing each day that we're thankful for, until the depression lifts. It really seems to help me.
If you decide not to do any of this stuff, no ones feelings will be hurt, though. They are just ideas on ways to share and support each other.
Also there are many other awesome people on this board, but these were just the ones who came to my mind at 4 am!
Don't let me overwhelm you,either. I don't expect you to remember any of it, but you will come to know all of the people soon!
I just love this group and all these people and don't get to brag on them often!
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-----Original Message-----
From: Crystal Jennings <>
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 2010 17:16:45
To: <>
Subject: Re: [PanicZone] Hi, I'm new
Hello, my name is Crystal and Iam also new, I suffer from generalizsed anxiety
and resently am afraid to go away from the house, It seems to have consumed my
life. I wake up thinking about it and go to bed thinking about it. I just need
support as of right now i have no means to get counseling or see a Doctor. So i
need friends who understand and get me threw this.
From: Karen <>
Sent: Mon, November 29, 2010 1:01:20 PM
Subject: Re: [PanicZone] Hi, I'm new
Welcome Brent, I'm sure you will enjoy the group. I'm new too.
-------Original Message-------
From: Brent Mast
Date: 11/28/2010 10:03:43 PM
Subject: [PanicZone] Hi, I'm new
Hi, I'm Brent. I'm 43, live in the DC area. I'm being treated for bipolar
and generalized anxiety. I seem to get anxiety for no particular reason,
pretty unpredictable. I have a pdoc that I see once every month or two, and
a script for an anxiety med. But the med doesn't really help when the
anxiety attacks are bad. A few months ago I was having terrible attacks.
Lately not as severe.
Hope everyone is doing well tonight,
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have a panic attack is that it will pass
whether it passes quickly or slowly
depends whether I drop the idea of it
being dangerous or not.
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