[PanicZone] Re: Group Newb
I feel for you. =-[. That sounds like a really difficult situation that you're in. Good for you for taking the step of reaching out here for help. If you do not feel safe discussing this w/ your parents, is there another family member you can reach out for help? An aunt? Uncle? Grandparent? Or, as Mel mentioned below, reaching out to your school may be a great idea. They should have experience helping kids like yourself.
--- In PanicZone@yahoogroups.com, Melissa Smith <insultedprincess08@...> wrote:
> Have you thought about writing a letter to your parents? Or sending them an
> email or a text. In writing we can be as unemotional as we want, and that helps
> me. Or, if you go to public school, you can go to your school councellor.Â
> Maybe they can reccommend someone?
> Good Luck!
> Mel
> ________________________________
> From: Klementine Kost <klem_kost@...>
> To: PanicZone@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Mon, August 30, 2010 6:27:17 AM
> Subject: [PanicZone] Group Newb
> Â
> So, I am of a meager 16 years of age, I've been having panic attacks for a
> little over a year now. What I think triggered them is when my dad found out I
> had been having sex he pulled out a gun and threatened to kill himself.
> I used to have the panic attacks several times a day, one always right before I
> went to sleep because I also started having nightmares about my dad beating and
> raping me (he has never touched from what I can remember). Then they decreased
> to about once a week, then every couple of weeks, then they were almost
> nonexistent.
> The memories from last year came back though and the panic attacks came back
> stronger than ever. They are sometimes bad to the point where I can barely
> breath and I pass out.
> My method for keeping the anxiety down is blaring music and burning incense, but
> when that doesn't work I get desperate and burn myself.
> I am almost positive that seeing a therapist would help, but the only way to be
> able to see one is to talk to my parents, and that idea terrifies me. I have
> grown up in a house where talking about your problems never happens.
> I haven't had very much positive feelings for my parents for 5 years and due to
> that I put up a wall between myself and them. If I were to ask to see a
> therapist it could potentially destroy this wall, and I am desperate to keep it
> in tact. I don't want them in my head. They will twist my thoughts and emotions
> to use against me at their will.
> Does any one have even the slightest idea of how I can get help without changing
> the relationship I have with my parents?
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
have a panic attack is that it will pass
whether it passes quickly or slowly
depends whether I drop the idea of it
being dangerous or not.
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