[PanicZone] Re: When my suffering begin.
I'm so sorry for your loss. Was Kimlan your daughter? How long ago did she pass on?
It may sound trite, but my cousine lost her son a month or so ago, and his death made me realize something. Ronda was sad for herself and her surviving family. There is no pain where DT has gone, there is only happiness and healthy days ahead for him. Though she will miss many happy memories with him, he will be at peace during those times when every child suffers in life.
I hope that this helped you in some way. It's okay to be sad for yourself. It's okay to cry and to be afraid. I only hope that you remember to pray for better days ahead, and do all that you can to move towards them.
--- In PanicZone@yahoogroups.com, "CarolynL" <mcl_one@...> wrote:
> The fear came from when Kimlan pass away at the hospital. That day I asked my husband to come with me to the hospital. He did not come with me. He said,he was going to work. His boss told him many times if he needed to go to the hospital it would be alright. Everyone knew about Kimlan's heart defects. He would not come with me to the hospital. I get there with my youngest son who was a toddler at the time. Her heart alarms were going off and the doctor took me out of the room. The doctors were working on Kimlan because,she went into cardiac arrest. I am in the hallway praying and a nurse join me to pray. I just wanted the doctors to save Kimlan. I was alone in the hallway when the doctor told me Kimlan did not make it. I was let in to be with Kimlan where I just held her crying and begging God to bring her back. The nurse called my husband and told him to get his ass up to the hospital. When he got there he also held Kimlan.
> take care,Carolyn.
have a panic attack is that it will pass
whether it passes quickly or slowly
depends whether I drop the idea of it
being dangerous or not.
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