[PanicZone] Re: Ellen-When anxiety attacks happen to me.
Carolyn, it sounds to me like your panic attacks while driving happen at the end of the trip? Is it possible that they happen when your mind is less occupied?
I find that it helps me to carry my cell phone whenever I have to leave the house. I purchase games on it to play while I am in the waiting room, and I make sure to show up to all of my appointments three minutes late, so I don't have long to distract myself.
Do any of your sons have Nintendo DS's? I used to have one, and would play pokemon games whenever I was under stress. Concentrating on the game helped when I was home alone or waiting for someone to arrive at my house.
I hope and pray that your loss lessens over time, so that you can enjoy your sons more.
--- In PanicZone@yahoogroups.com, "CarolynL" <mcl_one@...> wrote:
> Ellen,
> She was my only daughter. It hurts alot missing her. I have three sons and I thank God for them.
> The trauma of seeing my daughter pass away at the hospital from heart defects started the anxiety attacks for me. The anxiety attacks can get very bad. I am sad I can not even drive by myself like I use to.
> God bless,Carolyn.
> --- In PanicZone@yahoogroups.com, txblueeyes1956@ wrote:
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> > So sorry for your loss. I can only imange the pain you are going thru. I cant imange what I would do if I lost my baby girl. I am going thru the same kind of panic attacks. My doctor told me to concentrate on other things and to breathe deep and let out slowly. I do not drive either anymore. If I go anywhere I have to have someone with me. I am on Zoloft to. I have them so bad that I pass out. Since there is no medical reason for it, they concluded it was the panic attacks. They are hard to live with. When I get that way, I do the things my counselor taught me. Hopefully you are seeing a counselor. They really help. Let me know how it goes
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> > God Bless
> > Ellen
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> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: CarolynL <mcl_one@>
> > To: PanicZone@yahoogroups.com
> > Sent: Sat, Jun 19, 2010 1:10 pm
> > Subject: [PanicZone] When anxiety attacks happen to me.
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> > I was at the hospital when my daughter went into cardiac arrest. I was destroyed from the inside out when the doctor told me she did not make it. Earlier that day I ask my husband to go with me to the hospital. He did not because,he went into work. Yet,his boss told him many times if he need to take off because,of our daughter's health it would be alright. Just me and my younger son was at the hospital. I needed my husband because,this is something you do not want to go through. My son was too young so,he could not help me as my heart was broken in pieces.
> > After my daughter's funeral I was slammed with anxiety attacks. I was at a grocery store when suddenly my heart was beating too hard,I could not catch my breath and I feel faint. I got out of there and went home.I feel better as I got closer to home. I did go to my doctor because,I was afraid I had serious health problems. He told me it was anxiety from the trauma of lossing my daughter. He put me on Zoloft and Ativan. The medication help some. Then I start having anxiety attacks while driving.I was going to the pharmacy to get my son's medication. I barely pull in the parking lot when I feel my heart pounding hard,I could barely breath,I feel I could pass out,my hands were shaking so bad I could not reach for my cellphone.I had the a/c on but,then I turn on the heat. I was praying I could go home and live. I turn around and drove back home. It has happen several times that now I do not want to drive. If I go anywhere it is with my husband driving and not too far from home. I am suffering from these anxiety attacks. I did go back to my doctor. He told me to cut down on caffiene. Now,I drink decaf coffee and tea. I limit how much coke I drink. With time I see I also have panic attacks when I am alone. I feel better if my husband or a trusted an adult is near by. When I am alone I get nervous and panic attacks can happen.I pray I could get better because,these anxiety attacks have turn my life upside down.Anyone have advice about this?
> > Thank you,
> > Carolyn.
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> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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have a panic attack is that it will pass
whether it passes quickly or slowly
depends whether I drop the idea of it
being dangerous or not.
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