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[PanicZone] Re: Jessie has question about meds


It's a tetracyclic.
Tricyclics have side effects but my b/f has been on them for over 20 years and he's happy. theonly side effects i kow of are smeties cold or flu symptoms and he does't get that. He has to get eyesight prescription changes he needs them more frequently than other people but doesn't get them but he runds around witha magnifying glass.
but not everybody gets those side efects. The side affects fro a tetra I really don't know. I'd read up on that link.

The big thing about tricyclics as far as I know is that they are the oldest family of the antidpressants and they are relatively safe. Unless you OD on them.

What has NOT worked on you?
Have you had yur hormones teted?
Worn out ovaries supposedly can do this to us.
I"m gong the hormone route and leaning on benzos. I'll let you know if it works.
I'm a severe case. I htihk it has hlepd but I'm so severe I'm stil plenty sick. I see a doc every week now I finally got my blood drawn last week so I should have a clue soon if I am completly out of hormones or what is going on...
-Sue D.

--- In PanicZone@yahoogroups.com, kykysmom@... wrote:
> I found a shrink and he put me on Remeron.
> Anyone ever used that for panic attacks ?
> Would u mind sharing your experience with me ?
> He told me that u take it at night and sopposed to work the next day for panic attacks.
> Biggest side effects I am concerned about are sedative effects and weight gain as I am anorexic and have no therapy for that.
> Can't afford someone out of network.
> Thanks in advance
> Jackie
> Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Recent Activity:
The only thing that can happen when I
have a panic attack is that it will pass
whether it passes quickly or slowly
depends whether I drop the idea of it
being dangerous or not.



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