Re: [PanicZone] Calm Your fears
I know how you feel. Just remember 'Strong" mint gum or even Altiods. When i get chilled my attacks seem to subside also. I've sat out on my front porch in the middle of winter w/snow on the ground in shorts and a tanktop...LOL!
I requested you as a friend on Yahoo IM if you ever feel like chatting.
-----Original Message-----
From: jennifer lundy <jenn8488@yahoo.
To: PanicZone@yahoogrou
Sent: Tue, Apr 27, 2010 1:18 pm
Subject: Re: [PanicZone] Calm Your fears
Hi Sandy! Thanks so much for your tips. I haven't even thought about the minty gum but when I feel one coming on while I am driving the AC is cranked wide open! I don't know why but for some reason when I get chilly or cold my panic attacks seem to subside, so if it works I am not going to question it! I have been dealing with this for approximately a year now and I have just recently started doing more research on how exercise, yoga, and diet change can help! I am willing to try anything! I am not sure what exactly brought my panic attacks on but when I started having them I was getting ready to start my last year in nursing school, was working 1 full time job, and 2 part time jobs and just one day I had a panic attack and it absolutely terrified me!!! So much so that the next day I called school and dropped all of my classes, of course making up reasons because I didn't want everything thinking that I was crazy (which is what I
thought at the time), I quit 2 jobs and the full time job I kept but called in sick for 2 weeks straight because I was terrified to leave the house! I am currently still working 1 full time job and I don't get anxious or have panic attacks here while at work very often! However I do want to go back to school SOON! I want to make a career as a nurse but feel like the obstacle of panic attacks may cause me to not pursue my dream!
Another thing is I always keep a drink close by! When I have a panic attack I will have the feeling that I am going to faint so I immediately grab for something to drink thinking if I get my blood sugar back up then the panic attack will go away, unfortunately it doesn't really work but it helps me just to think that it does.
>Jennifer Lundy
From: "sandyrey75@aim.
To: PanicZone@yahoogrou
Sent: Mon, April 26, 2010 11:01:34 PM
Subject: Re: [PanicZone] Calm Your fears
Hi Jennifer,
I have had panic disorder w/agoraphobia for 15 yrs. I too have them while driving which I haven't been able to do successfully for the entire time, but don't let that get you down, as you said everyone is different. I also have issues going into stores, standing in line gets me the worst. When I am in stores, I find that not looking straight out in front of me helps. I usually keep my eyes on the floor way out in front of me, enough to keep me from crashing into someone...LOL! I can still see where I am going but not seeing the hoards of people or the enormous size of the store all at once seems to keep my anxiety levels down. When I am standing in line I keep myself busy sorting things in my cart or looking at the things on the shelves, just keep my mind busy. It's easier to handle at home or work when I start to feel the symptoms come on. I've gotten pretty good at rationalizing my physical symptoms. Like if I have just been working in the yard and I'm
a little flush or out of breath, those are also symptoms I have during an anxiety attack, because of that they'll cause an attack. So I just keep telling myself over and over the only reason I am feeling these symptoms is because I was just working out in the yard, I'm going to be ok, and before you know it the symptoms start to subside. I do have a couple of "security blankets" I keep w/me at all times. Strong minty gum, like dentine ice, and a bottle of water. When I start to have my symptom of not getting enough air (when in reality I am getting plenty) I pop a piece of gum. The strong minty kind works best because you can really feel the air when you breath in. The water has multiple purposes. I use it to drink and I'll pour it in my hands and splash on my face and neck when an attack starts. It helps to cool me down because I tend to get really hot when I have an attack. Slow deep breaths help quite a bit too.
How long have you been dealing this??
Congrats on your shopping trip! Keep that close to the front of your mind. It'll help the next time.
-----Original Message-----
From: jenniferl <jenn8488@yahoo. com>
To: PanicZone@yahoogrou
Sent: Mon, Apr 26, 2010 12:04 pm
Subject: [PanicZone] Calm Your fears
So I would like to ask for others to share what helps them when they are experiencing a panic attack and what helps to relieve their fears. I know that everyone is different but I am just trying to get a few pointers. My main problem is that I have panic attacks while driving and also while in a store if by myself, although yesterday I managed to do all of my grocery shopping by myself with NO panic attacks just a small amount of anxiety :)
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have a panic attack is that it will pass
whether it passes quickly or slowly
depends whether I drop the idea of it
being dangerous or not.
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