Re: [PanicZone] Calm Your fears
Um I have become fed up ad hopeless plenty of times because of this disorder!!! The thing is that you have people that love you and want you to go on. You also have to do it for yourself. You have to stay strong and know that you will win this. When you face another day in anxiety you have won. You always have to keep a positive mind and remind yourself that IT IS GOING TO BE OKAY no matter what. Whatever may happen you will be fine. Congratulate yourself on the things you do and always take time out for yourself. It will be okay I promise you.....
--- On Tue, 4/27/10, joe dinardo <jjfearless@yahoo.
From: joe dinardo <jjfearless@yahoo.
Subject: Re: [PanicZone] Calm Your fears
To: PanicZone@yahoogrou
Date: Tuesday, April 27, 2010, 2:01 AM
has anyone gotten fed up because of the return of this prob
to the point of severe depression.?
____________ _________ _________ __
From: "sandyrey75@
To: PanicZone@yahoogrou
Sent: Mon, April 26, 2010 11:01:34 PM
Subject: Re: [PanicZone] Calm Your fears
Hi Jennifer,
I have had panic disorder w/agoraphobia for 15 yrs. I too have them while driving which I haven't been able to do successfully for the entire time, but don't let that get you down, as you said everyone is different. I also have issues going into stores, standing in line gets me the worst. When I am in stores, I find that not looking straight out in front of me helps. I usually keep my eyes on the floor way out in front of me, enough to keep me from crashing into someone...LOL! I can still see where I am going but not seeing the hoards of people or the enormous size of the store all at once seems to keep my anxiety levels down. When I am standing in line I keep myself busy sorting things in my cart or looking at the things on the shelves, just keep my mind busy. It's easier to handle at home or work when I start to feel the symptoms come on. I've gotten pretty good at rationalizing my physical symptoms. Like if I have just been working in the yard and I'm
a little flush or out of breath, those are also symptoms I have during an anxiety attack, because of that they'll cause an attack. So I just keep telling myself over and over the only reason I am feeling these symptoms is because I was just working out in the yard, I'm going to be ok, and before you know it the symptoms start to subside. I do have a couple of "security blankets" I keep w/me at all times. Strong minty gum, like dentine ice, and a bottle of water. When I start to have my symptom of not getting enough air (when in reality I am getting plenty) I pop a piece of gum. The strong minty kind works best because you can really feel the air when you breath in. The water has multiple purposes. I use it to drink and I'll pour it in my hands and splash on my face and neck when an attack starts. It helps to cool me down because I tend to get really hot when I have an attack. Slow deep breaths help quite a bit too.
How long have you been dealing this??
Congrats on your shopping trip! Keep that close to the front of your mind. It'll help the next time.
-----Original Message-----
From: jenniferl <jenn8488@yahoo. com>
To: PanicZone@yahoogrou
Sent: Mon, Apr 26, 2010 12:04 pm
Subject: [PanicZone] Calm Your fears
So I would like to ask for others to share what helps them when they are experiencing a panic attack and what helps to relieve their fears. I know that everyone is different but I am just trying to get a few pointers. My main problem is that I have panic attacks while driving and also while in a store if by myself, although yesterday I managed to do all of my grocery shopping by myself with NO panic attacks just a small amount of anxiety :)
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have a panic attack is that it will pass
whether it passes quickly or slowly
depends whether I drop the idea of it
being dangerous or not.
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