[PanicZone] private messages
i recently posted a message saying that i was interested in hearing from people who had these problems and are interested in being penfriends, but who also write about happy and nice and positive things and their life and not just their illness. thank you for your many replies, it will be a while before i can get back to you all but i promise i will as soon as i can. i am not in the office for a week or so anyway. one person from THIS group wrote some very nasty messages which were libellous and abusive where she moaned and groaned that she could not write the way she wants and tried to bully me into writing to her on her terms and when she was politely asked not to write again she sent reams and reams of more spitefulness calling me names. it is sad to read that some members of the group have serious mental illness. it does not take much to figure out that that behaviour is not rational or sane. i would suggest to all of you who belong to the group that you are careful of who you give your private email address to in case the same person decides to try to bully or persecute you. i have now had to block them, as it is illegal to stalk someone online and happy normal people do not do that. so please everyone be careful.
have a panic attack is that it will pass
whether it passes quickly or slowly
depends whether I drop the idea of it
being dangerous or not.
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