Re: [PanicZone] hello
Joe it sounds like you have a lot of success in your life..good for there a place on the web we can hear your music? I do remember when you used to post a lot. I on the other hand lurk in the background..
--- On Sat, 2/13/10, joe dinardo <jjfearless@yahoo.
From: joe dinardo <jjfearless@yahoo.
Subject: Re: [PanicZone] hello
To: PanicZone@yahoogrou
Cc: "Clare Fletcher" <fletcherclare@
Date: Saturday, February 13, 2010, 1:31 AM
Actually Yevette I'm very happy you ranted..
because you need to get it out,...\
we both do..
get the shity out of our systems and
get ourselves out of the house and out of the jam.
I used to post a lot.
Some of you probably know that I beat a long battle with this, and was
I SWEAR, totally free. Aside from a few burps..this horrid problem couldn't keep me from either going to or imagining going anywhere.
I've written a number of published articles, and a manuscrip I did NOT
try to get published , because the problem returned after 15 years.
I did 7 years volunteer work, with freedom From Fear in Canada
and while I was writing and producing songs and cds ( loving life , in short)
I was offered a position as a peer counselor. I had done a show on CBC
talking about my EPIC approach ( emotional memory and postive image change)
Ity got me talked about and yes there were accolades...
my premise was that cognitive, behavioural only truly work, when you have
emotional healing and the memory, of those hidepous moments vcan be replaced by positive images and "Panic-dotes" ( name of the book)
I still believe all of this. In fact, the brain has compartmentalised memory.
Guess what? cognitive memory is stored in a different place than emotional memory.
So, when it returned, ( and I want you all to really think about your mindset during bad days now)
It was like my healthy memory was erased . It was clouded, as if that healthy vuy I was picturing was someone else.
Now, I'm back in studio. Seriously fortunate that a name producer heard my music ( ironically tunes about my angst)
and took me on as a project.
I still may go back to running peer couneling groups..
but after 20 years , it wore me down emotionally.
"I'll be back"
____________ _________ _________ __
From: yevette rockafellow <yevetteblue@>
To: PanicZone@yahoogrou
Sent: Sat, February 13, 2010 3:55:43 AM
Subject: Re: [PanicZone] hello
I agree with you Joe Agoraphobia it has many ugly My limitations make me angry at times and I feel I get taken advantage of because I'm home so I can clean house all the time or watch grandchildren while everyone else lives there life...what my family don't understand is it's not a choice I'm not just deciding oh I think I will spend my life in my house... sorry for the little bit of a rant.....Your friend Yevette
--- On Fri, 2/12/10, joe dinardo <jjfearless@ yahoo. com> wrote:
From: joe dinardo <jjfearless@ yahoo. com>
Subject: Re: [PanicZone] hello
To: PanicZone@yahoogrou
Date: Friday, February 12, 2010, 8:38 PM
yes , but it has come to mean a lot more than that,.
need for a ssfe place or person to travel with the way, boredom is a huge problem
with limitations and lack of positive stimulation. .
anyone else feel this way?
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From: Debbie Woolums <deb71661@yahoo. com>
To: PanicZone@yahoogrou
Sent: Fri, February 12, 2010 8:31:46 PM
Subject: Re: [PanicZone] hello
Agoraphobia is a fear of leaving your home. I had that. I've gotten over most of that.
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From: siobhan <greengoddess317@>
To: PanicZone@yahoogrou
Sent: Fri, February 12, 2010 12:54:34 PM
Subject: Re: [PanicZone] hello
my doctor said --i had GAD,generalized anxiety disorder,does this involve agoraphobia
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From: Debbie Woolums <deb71661@yahoo. com>
To: PanicZone@yahoogrou
Sent: Thu, February 11, 2010 10:23:36 PM
Subject: Re: [PanicZone] hello
Hi Jackie.
Say whatever is on your mind. I'll get you started. I'm a 48 years old sufferer of panic disorder, agoraphobia & anxiety. I've had all of these very severe. I know how terrible it is. I was diagnosed with this in 1998. It took a long time, but I've improved with panic disorder & agoraphobia. I have a lot of anixety still. I've taken many many medication, most were non-effective. There only thing that I ever needed wax Xanax. Not only have a suffered with these but I've been abused physically & mentally by my husband for having panic disorder. There were a few years he was good to me, but that's been a long time. That's the reason I still have a lot of anxiety today or else I would be well. We don't talk much. My first doctor was terrible to me & I'm very sorry I allowed him to forward my records to another doctor . I've seen 5 doctors, been in 3 hospitals, seen 4 counselors & a marriage counselor. I've had a very hard time & some bad things have
happened. I can understand anything. That's the reason I've joined groups. To communicate with people who understand what I've had.
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From: "kykysmom@verizon. net" <kykysmom@verizon. net>
To: PanicZone@yahoogrou
Sent: Thu, February 11, 2010 10:01:04 PM
Subject: Re: [PanicZone] hello
My name is jackie. I am new here. I am from MD.
I also would like to chat but dojnt know what to say.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
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The only thing that can happen when I
have a panic attack is that it will pass
whether it passes quickly or slowly
depends whether I drop the idea of it
being dangerous or not.Yahoo! Groups Links
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have a panic attack is that it will pass
whether it passes quickly or slowly
depends whether I drop the idea of it
being dangerous or not.
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