[PanicZone] Film/Television Series Focusing on S.A.D.
Film/Television Series centering around character with Social Anxitey has been released. Check out the inspiring project here (DVD, ITUNES, INDIEFLIX):
Order the LOADED 2-Disk "Special Edition" DVD: http://www.whereism
"Hey Diddle Diddle" on iTunes: http://itunes.
"Hey Diddle Diddle" on Indieflix: http://www.indiefli
We'd LOVE to hear your feedback once you've seen the project. Thanks for the support, and let's INSPIRE, ENLIGHTEN, AND ENCOURAGE those who've had S.A.D. impact their lives in one way or another!
have a panic attack is that it will pass
whether it passes quickly or slowly
depends whether I drop the idea of it
being dangerous or not.
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