Re: [PanicZone] New Member
Delia, Where in California do you live? I'm in southern Ca. Yevette
--- On Mon, 1/4/10, dreamybabygal@
From: dreamybabygal@
Subject: [PanicZone] New Member
To: PanicZone@yahoogrou
Date: Monday, January 4, 2010, 11:17 AM
My name is Delia I am female I live in California I suffer from Panic attacks since I was in elementary school probably because of bullies at school who wanted to hurt me. I also have severe problems with my stomach; gastritis, IBS and GERD. About six years the anxiety became much worse since I worked in a very stressful job and I was harrass by an employee which just brought on the panic attacks. I lost my job and living on workers comp I haven't been able to work since the anxiety gets in my way, and my health.
I pretty much house bound, I don't go out of my house unless I have to go see my doctor and sometimes that is a struggle and I am always with a family member who goes with me. Going shopping to a store that is also a problem I try to motivate myself and think that is nothing is going to happen and while I am at the store I end up feeling sick and the panic attack starts to take over so I either have to wait in the car until my family finish shopping and I just sit there in the car wishing that I didn't exist.
I have tried talking to psychologist, but they have left me very disappointed and upset. I also have tried anti depressants but have had some strange side effects then I have a phobia taking meds because of past side effects that landed me in the ER so I just struggle I know I need something to calm me down but to scared to try anything. I am 40 years old.
Thanks for letting me join.
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have a panic attack is that it will pass
whether it passes quickly or slowly
depends whether I drop the idea of it
being dangerous or not.
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