[Panic-Attacks] Digest Number 2570
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- Re: Hello, American? From: memawfor11@yahoo.com
- 1a.
Re: Hello, American?
Posted by: "memawfor11@yahoo.com" memawfor11@yahoo.com memawfor11
Sun Nov 29, 2009 3:46 pm (PST)
Hi, Jan, let me see if I can answer your questions.
I am originally from the Gulf Coast area of the United States. You just don't get more southern than that.
Fibromyalgia, simply put is a disease that causes widespread pain. We live with pain everyday of our lives. Nothing really helps. Narcotics sometimes take the edge off but it's not a solution.
Insurance in the U.S.- A child's health insurance is the parents responsibility.
I have medicare now, in the past I've had Blue Cross. They pay a percentage of medical costs...about 80%. Then we have to come up with the rest of the money. A great majority of people pay that part off a little at a time. Some people qualify for aid, called medicaid, a government run insurance program for people that don't make much money.
An emergency, like a heart attack, will be taken care of. Hospitals can't refuse care due to lack of insurance. But they will hound you forever for payment. I know someone whose insurance would not pay for a child's pregnancy. This lady paid $10 a month for years until the hospital delivery costs were paid off. The insurance would have covered her pregnancy, but not her 16 year old daughter's pregnancy. That is another issue we have with insurance...what THEY decide they will cover. For instance, when I worked and had Blue Cross insurance I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. If I would have left that job and gotten another one and that company choose Humana insurance, then Humana would have said my Fibromyalgia was a pre-existing condition and refused o pay for any treatments, like physical therapy.
Few and far between are so-called charity hospitals. A famous hospital in New Orleans, Louisiana, named Charity Hospital, was deemed unusable after Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Charity was THE gun shot wound hospital in the area, with their elite Trauma Center. Wounded Police officers and Firemen were taken there over all ER's (emergency room).
I hope I have answered so you will understand. I'm happy to answer any more questions you have. I am by far not an expert, but I'll try.
If you wouldn't mind, would you explain to me how your health system works. It appears that one day in the future our government will have control over our health care. I'm curious how it works. Can you choose your own doctor? What happens with surgery? Or a broken bone? If you are treated at a hospital is it just paid for? Who pays for prescription drugs?
------Original Message------
From: Jan Little
Sender: Panic-Attacks@yahoogroups. com
To: Panic-Attacks@yahoogroups. com
ReplyTo: Panic-Attacks@yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [Panic-Attacks] Hello, American?
Sent: Nov 26, 2009 4:37 PM
Hi Cindy, yes I thought you were American when you said Hi yeall or something like that, just sounded very American, which part do you live in? Sorry to hear about the PTSD, dont know alot about that, but my husband is ex-army and has known colleagues who have suffered from it. I have no idea was fibromylgia is, is that like fibroids on ovaries? Good to hear you have insurance, I cant imagine what stress it must put people under not having free medical attention. Does that include children? What happens if somebody has a heart attack or something and has no insurance? Are they just left to suffer? My 7 year old had 6 hours of major surgery the day he was born and has had another 3 major surgerys since, and is due for another anytime now (neurosurgery on his spine) and it is all free, we would have had to spend to rest of our lives in debt if it had to be paid for, how on earth do people manage? What about people who do not have jobs and live on benifits, is there any sort of free medical help they can get? Jan. ____________ _________ _________ __ From: "memawfor11@yahoo. com" <memawfor11@ yahoo. com> To: Panic-Attacks@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Wed, November 25, 2009 8:47:49 PM Subject: Re: [Panic-Attacks] Hello, American? I'm American, and have Medicare insurance as I a disabled mostly due to PTSD and anxiety and pain from fibromyalgia. Cindy Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry -----Original Message----- From: "childoftheuniverse 67" <littlejan90@ yahoo.com> Date: Wed, 25 Nov 2009 09:27:40 To: <Panic-Attacks@ yahoogroups. com> Subject: [Panic-Attacks] Hello, American? Are all you ladies in this group American? I am Welsh and live in Wales, I only realized you might all be American because I see you talking about insurance, I understand that you have no National Health Service in America, all our treatment over here is free on the N.H.S, but unfortunately, treatment for mental health issues are really slow, I am on a two year waiting list for cognitive thepary. I could go private but it costs a stupid amount o
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
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