Re: [PanicZone] help needed to prevent panic attack
this might sound silly but have you tried seeing if you can fill out the forms online? I know some shelters now have it where you can have all of your paperwork done online or through Maybe that would help if all you had to do was go to the shelter and pick up your new cat. Also, focus on all of the good aspects of pet ownership, not all of the things that can go wrong. Unfortunately bad things can happen, but having pets can really reduce anxiety (spending time with my cat always calms me down). Perhaps maybe just a few deep breaths and some positive thoughts are all you need! Also, bring someone with you to the shelter who you are comfortable with and knows about your panic attacks. Sometimes if nothing else, someone you are really close to can calm you down a bit. Remember that the more you obsess over prior panic attacks, the more likely you are to bring on even more anxiety. And hang in there, it is not "ridiculous" that you want to
do something but can't do it, I am sure that that has happened to everyone in this group, and it happens to me all the time. Things will get better!
From: ddbrep <ddbrep@yahoo.
To: PanicZone@yahoogrou
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 5:52:13 PM
Subject: [PanicZone] help needed to prevent panic attack
There is something I want to do which is to adopt another cat. I don't know why but every time I meet one I cannot make the decision and its getting worse. Last time I went to the shelter I decided to ignore myself and go ahead and save a cat and started filling out the forms but then broke out in a sweat and into a panic attack and literally had to get out asap. This is something I want to do, I have a cat already and my other cat died last year shortly after adopting it but this is NOT the cause of my panic as I felt this same way back then. However I went through with it that time but this time its worse, I can't. Its ridiculous to want to do something but be able to do it. When I panic I think of everything that could possibly go wrong if I adopt it and then can't do it and then I cry all the way home! I want to go back and try to adopt one on Monday that may be pts if I don't go back but how on earth can I do it, now I am afraid of the panic. Thanks
for any help. I am on not on meds because normally I am ok and usually I take herbs/supplements for any anxiety or other health problems when it crops up plus frankly I am afraid of drugs. Thanks for any help
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have a panic attack is that it will pass
whether it passes quickly or slowly
depends whether I drop the idea of it
being dangerous or not.
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