[PanicZone] help needed to prevent panic attack
There is something I want to do which is to adopt another cat. I don't know why but every time I meet one I cannot make the decision and its getting worse. Last time I went to the shelter I decided to ignore myself and go ahead and save a cat and started filling out the forms but then broke out in a sweat and into a panic attack and literally had to get out asap. This is something I want to do, I have a cat already and my other cat died last year shortly after adopting it but this is NOT the cause of my panic as I felt this same way back then. However I went through with it that time but this time its worse, I can't. Its ridiculous to want to do something but be able to do it. When I panic I think of everything that could possibly go wrong if I adopt it and then can't do it and then I cry all the way home! I want to go back and try to adopt one on Monday that may be pts if I don't go back but how on earth can I do it, now I am afraid of the panic. Thanks for any help. I am on not on meds because normally I am ok and usually I take herbs/supplements for any anxiety or other health problems when it crops up plus frankly I am afraid of drugs. Thanks for any help
have a panic attack is that it will pass
whether it passes quickly or slowly
depends whether I drop the idea of it
being dangerous or not.

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