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[Panic-Attacks] Digest Number 2561

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new to group From: Mary Sandrey



new to group

Posted by: "Mary Sandrey" marysandre@sbcglobal.net   marysandre@sbcglobal.net

Sun Aug 23, 2009 2:52 am (PDT)

I am new to this group and new to experiencing panic attacks. My 42 year old son has had them for a number of year and is treated with medication which is not always successful. My husband also has them but he  is very controlled by medication
I had my first one two days ago and another huge one today. I am a diabetic and get very nervous when my blood glucose level goes below 90. That happened on Thursday and I called 911 and was taken to the er for evaluation. They gave me Ativan to calm me down and that helped but I still was panicking about my low sugar......which had gone up considerably by the time I got to the hospital because I drank a Pepsi.
My doctor said that this giant fear of a low blood level is causing me to have stress and therefore puts me in a panic mode.
Today I had another one , tried breathing deeply and also took one Ativan which helped. However the rest of the day and evening my nervousness returns and then I trying deep breathing and tightening my muscles and that helps.
Hopefully I can read people comments, conquests, and support and get through this.
I am a 67 year old grandmother of 4 with 7 grand dogs and a husband who has been my best friend for 47 years. We are both retired and enjoying life in Ohio.
That's my introduction, folks.....thanks for reading.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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" There is Nothing To Fear But Fear Itself"


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