Widget By Devils Workshop

[PanicZone] Re:Making changes and this time I'm serious about it


Yes, K. I'll go to the supermarket and fill my cart up and then have them deliver. It's true. I felt this to be a luxury and resisted and starved most of the time. But it's true. We need to take care of ourselves. Another way I'm trying to take care of myself is fasting from negative relationships and it is extremely difficult for me. Just today I called a friend of 15 years and said that I'm doing well (not being depressed since December 2007) and since then she's treated me quite coldly. It hurts like hell. She said I'll "hear from her again sometime" but I have a feeling it's the end of the 15 year relationship. Perhaps she wants me depressed? We are good people. We are strong people. We pick ourselves up when we fall when no one else understands. I long for the kind of friends who can be a confidante. Someone who encourages. There's this other woman. I think I will try and befriend her and see how it goes. I feel so lonely and so not understood. It used to be easier in college, I'm middle aged now. Even with social anxiety it used to be easier. But I have come a long way with social anxiety disorder too. Anyone have a similar experience where when you were doing very poorly you were loved and when you were getting better suddenly the person turned cold? I feel in pain.

I keep looking up, Victoria

The only thing that can happen when I
have a panic attack is that it will pass
whether it passes quickly or slowly
depends whether I drop the idea of it
being dangerous or not.
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