[PanicZone] Re: An introduction
--- In PanicZone@yahoogrou
>Hi, I also have GAD and honestly I hate what it does to me and the way it affects my life. All we can do is to keep working on trying to get better. I have worked my way out of the state I'm in now before so don't give up hope. It sounds like you've made progress. Are you on any meds or seeing a therapist now?
I don't post often but having others who know how you feel helps. Mary
> Hello,
> I guess I should provide a quick introduction. In retrospect, I have probably had generalized anxiety for most of my life, but I have had agoraphobia for almost two years. In that short time, it has cost my house, my marriage, my career, my car, and finally, my independence. I have to admit, I'm rather bitter about it.
> I've tried to attack agoraphobia from different angles, but so far the only one that has helped significantly is time. My initial treatment came from an MD, not a psychiatrist, because he did house calls. He was not really qualified to attack the severity of my problem, and eventually gave up. I was taken off of Xanax (5MG a day) cold turkey; I was not weened off as you should be. This caused subsequent seizures and months of increased anxiety. The Xanax helped me do many things I was unable to do, so to this day I wonder if I would still be able to do those things had I been weened off correctly.
> At my worse, I spent months without leaving the house or answering the telephone. Today I'm much better, but not nearly as well as I need to be. I'll walk down the street to the store, and I can go pretty much anywhere for short periods of time if I'm with someone I trust.
> I'm pretty much in maintaining mode right now because I'm focused so much on financial issues. I applied for SSDI in March and have been told the decision is on the way in the mail.
> Looking forward to being involved in the forum.
> K
have a panic attack is that it will pass
whether it passes quickly or slowly
depends whether I drop the idea of it
being dangerous or not.

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