[new_panic_attack_help] Digest Number 2045
Messages In This Digest (8 Messages)
- 1.1.
- Re: TGIF===Cindy From: Terri Moore
- 1.2.
- Re: TGIF===Cindy From: Cindy Bernauer
- 1.3.
- Re: TGIF===Cindy From: Marge
- 1.4.
- Re: TGIF===Cindy From: Terri Moore
- 1.5.
- Re: TGIF===Cindy From: Terri Moore
- 2a.
- new-kinda From: suzikeegan
- 2b.
- Re: new-kinda From: Terri Moore
- 2c.
- Re: new-kinda From: Marge
- 1.1.
Re: TGIF===Cindy
Posted by: "Terri Moore" terrbear38@gmail.com wphomeschoolers
Wed Apr 29, 2009 9:49 am (PDT)
I am sorry to hear that. Are you nervous about these things because they are
things you are not sure you want to do? If you want to keep working can you
look for another job? That's a bummer about the weather. I can understand
the weather bring your down unfortuantley there is nothing we can do to
change it though. If you need a Xanax you should take it. Hope you are
feeling better about things now.
http://www.terrbear38.blogspot. com/
From: new_panic_attack_help@yahoogroups .com
[mailto:new_panic_attack_help@yahoogroups ] On Behalf Of Cindy Bernauer.com
Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2009 8:50 AM
To: new_panic_attack_help@yahoogroups .com
Subject: Re: [new_panic_attack_help] Re: TGIF===Cindy
I have been very anxious today. I had my interview with the SS department
for my disability
yesterday. The interview went ok-but it was really hard for me to focus on
what he was saying.Today,I recieved the papers on it and I have to sign
release papers for my medical records. The whole thing has got me very
nervous. Plus-I'm dealing with the discrimination action I've takin against
my ex-employer. Unforuately, I'm going after the president of the
company-and that has me feeling panic again. Giving up working at 47 has
really been bothering me also. I always love to work, and this PD has really
taking its toll on me in the last year.But-since that happened to me in
Nov.-I haven't been myself. I don't trust to many people and the president
making a joke about my PD was to much for me to bear. While I have 4 men
with him I didnt even know-all laughing with him. I can't wait until its all
over with. We are suppose to have rain everyday-through Derby- and that has
me really down. I do not like to be stuck in the house. I need to be in the
outside in the air-sunshine. My hands have been shaking all day. : ( I
think I'm going to have to break down and take a xanax. I haven't had to
take any for nearly 2 weeks.
It seems like we are always getting checked out for something-doesn't it?
--- On Tue, 4/28/09, Michele <Shelly21@optonline.net > wrote:
From: Michele <Shelly21@optonline.net >
Subject: [new_panic_attack_help] Re: TGIF===Cindy
To: new_panic_attack_help@yahoogroups .com
Date: Tuesday, April 28, 2009, 10:22 PM
Thanks Cindy, I just want to get the test over with. I had a series of test
taken back in February because the right side of my face was always getting
numb. My primary doctor sent me to a neurologist to have it checked out. He
tested me for Lupus, Limes Disease, MS and probably other things that I
forgot. So I got through that MRI good because I took xanax. So that's what
I'm gonna do again and hope I get through it okay. My sister sat in the room
with me and held my foot to let me know she was there. I didn't know that
someone can come in with you but the nurse told me alot of people have
someone come in for support. She said she will come with me again this time
How's everything going with you?
I'm getting tired, long day. I'm trying to stay awake until 11 so I can take
the rest of my meds.
Have a good night.
--- In new_panic_attack_
<http://us.mc01g.mail.yahoo. com/mc/compose? to=new_panic_ attack_help% 40yahoog
roups.com> help@yahoogroups .com, Cindy Bernauer <nutsnhoney61@ ...> wrote:
> Michele-I take Xanax when I need them-they really help me. I'm glad your
nephew won his game. ; )
> I wouldn't have been able to do the spinal tap either. I know I wouldn't
beable to sit still enough-regardless of what they gave me. Thats my nature.
I'm always shaking and moving-lol : / Good luck having your MRI done. ;
) You will be fine-the xanax will help.
> Peace-Cindy
> --- On Tue, 4/28/09, Michele <Shelly21@.. .> wrote:
> From: Michele <Shelly21@.. .>
> Subject: [new_panic_attack_ help] Re: TGIF
> To: new_panic_attack_
<http://us.mc01g.mail.yahoo. com/mc/compose? to=new_panic_ attack_help% 40yahoog
roups.com> help@yahoogroups .com
> Date: Tuesday, April 28, 2009, 5:51 PM
> Terri, had a good time at the game. Stayed until it was over because it
got really exciting at the end. I'm happy to say my nephews team did win. It
was a nice night out so when I came home I wasn't tired so I didn't get to
sleep right away. Needless to say I didn't want to get up for work this
> I always get fluid in my ears. I had tubes put in them in my early 20's
but I don't recommend that because it's just a temporary fix and eventually
the fluid comes back. My is from my sinuses and allergies. I would take the
meds to help the pain. I think using tubes when in the shower would be a
good idea. I'm supposed to do that also but I don't. My mom has ear problems
and the ENT doctor told her to put cotton in her ears when it's windy out
and try not to get water in her ears.
> How long has your sister been on pred.? I need to go for another bone
density test. I haven't been for one in a couple of years.
> Just got back from the psychiatrist and he told me to start taking 40 mgs.
of prozac.
> I'm going for one more test on Friday for the numbing in my face. All my
other test came out good but he said to do one more. He suggested a spinal
tap but I'm not sure I want to do that and he said it really wasn't
necessary but if I want one I can get it done. So I have to be in that MRI
machine again. A little stressed about it but now that I'm on more xanax I'm
hoping I will get through it as good as I did the last time.
> Michele
> --- In new_panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com, "Terri Moore" <terrbear38@
...> wrote:
> >
> > Glad you decided to use him to do the rest. I agree that the extra money
> > will come in handy to pay for it. That is a late game for a school
> > Hope you have fun.
> >
> > Sounds like what happened with my sister. She has never been able to
> > off of it totally either. She takes it for Ulcerative Colitis. They
> > her very closely for the damage that it can do if you are on it longterm
> > too. I took it when I got so sick after Emilia was born too. I was able
> > come off of it after a couple of weeks though. If the meds are helping
> > not hurting you then I agree it is worth staying on .
> >
> > Me too. I got an appointment with my primary care doc this afternoon and
> > there was fluid in them again. She said they did not look that infected
> > wanted me to take the antibs again anyways because of how much pain I
> > in. I still have the appointment with the ENT on the 2nd of June
> > the anti b's will work so I can hold out until then if not she said she
> > would try to get me in sooner.
> >
> > My main job is doing nails out of my home part time but I am down to
only a
> > few customers now because of the economy. I have been trying to sell my
> > handstamped items in my Etsy shop http://www.etsy. <http://www.etsy./ >
com/your_ shop.php for
> > extra money but unfortunately so far nothing is selling.
> >
> > Terri
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: new_panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com
> > [mailto:new_ panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com] On Behalf Of Michele
> > Sent: Monday, April 27, 2009 4:59 PM
> > To: new_panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com
> > Subject: [new_panic_attack_ help] Re: TGIF
> >
> > Terri, I'm definitely gonna get the painter I had before to do the
> > room. He's a nice guy and he doesn't overcharge. He's reasonable and
> > work with me as far as what I can afford, but I don't want to cheat him
> > of money either because I wouldn't feel right. So I guess this overtime
> > coming in handy now. I worked 2 hours OT today. A little tired so I'm
> > resting for about an hour and then going to go to my nephews baseball
> > It starts at 8:15 which I think is a little late to start since they are
> > only 15 years old and have to get up for school tomorrow and that us
> > ones need out beauty sleep LOL.
> >
> > I've been on pred. since 2001. I started out on 60mgs a day and then he
> > would try and taper it down but then I would relapse and go back up to
> > mgs. again. I was on a high dosage for a long time so the damage is
> > done. Now I'm on a maintenance dosage as the doctor puts it plus other
> > meds. My doctor said he is not going to take me off the kidney meds. for
> > long time because everytime we try I relapse.
> >
> > I hope your ear feels better soon. Can you get an apt. with the doctor
> > earlier.
> >
> > What is it that you do for extra money? Is it some kind of crafts?
> >
> > Michele
> >
> >
> > --- In new_panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com, "Terri Moore"
<terrbear38@ >
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > I am sure it will be nice to have the extra money.
> > >
> > > That's cool that you were able to get some painting done. Sorry to
> > > hear you got tired and your back started hurting though. Sounds like
> > > you should definitely hire that gut to do the rest for you. By the way
> > > I was reading your post to Cindy about being on Pred. My sister has
> > > been on a low dose of it for years now too. It can be a miracle drug
> > > but I know you can get a lot of bad side effects from it too.
> > >
> > > My weekend has been okay so far. I had a new client yesterday but she
> > > was kind of a nightmare though because she brought her kids with her.
> > > A 13 month old baby and a four year old. I got through it okay though
> > > and it was nice to make some extra money. It will be interesting to
> > > see if she comes back now. I was also stressed yesterday because I did
> > > a blog hop last night. I got a lot of nice comments on my work though
> > it was worth it in the end.
> > > I woke up this morning with my ear hurting again. I don't have an
> > > appointment with the ENT until June. I just hope I can hold out until
> > then.
> > >
> > >
> > > Terri
> > > http://www.terrbear <http://www.terrbear/ > 38.blogspot. com/
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: new_panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com
> > > [mailto:new_ panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com] On Behalf Of Michele
> > > Sent: Saturday, April 25, 2009 9:59 PM
> > > To: new_panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com
> > > Subject: [new_panic_attack_ help] Re: TGIF
> > >
> > > Terri, I know I'm really glad about the overtime.
> > >
> > > Well the painting went pretty good but I did get tired and my back was
> > > hurting. I didn't do a large area but I'm not a patient person and I
> > > hate painting. I was going to attempt to the the living room at
> > > another time but I really don't think I can do it so I will have to
> > > have someone come and do it for me. I have a friend in work who knows
> > > a painter and he did my kitchen last year for me and did a good job.
> > > He's a painter full time but he does side work. He also said he will
> > > be willing to work with my on a price for the job because he's knows I
> > can't afford alot.
> > >
> > > How is your weekend going so far?
> > >
> > > Michele
> > >
> > >
> > > --- In new_panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com, "Terri Moore"
> > > <terrbear38@ >
> > > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Thanks for checking in. That's cool you are getting some overtime.
> > > >
> > > > Hope the painting goes well. That is a good idea to start out with
> > > > the small stuff. Let us know how it goes.
> > > >
> > > > Terri
> > > > http://www.terrbear <http://www.terrbear/ > 38.blogspot. com/
> > > >
> > > > -----Original Message-----
> > > > From: new_panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com
> > > > [mailto:new_ panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com] On Behalf Of
> > > > Sent: Friday, April 24, 2009 4:52 PM
> > > > To: new_panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com
> > > > Subject: [new_panic_attack_ help] TGIF
> > > >
> > > > Hello Everyone, I haven't been posting because I've been busy. I've
> > > > been getting some overtime at work which I'm glad about because with
> > > > this economy every penny counts. I even put in 8 1/2 hours last
> > > > saturday. Usually by the time I get home and get some housework
> > > > done I'm
> > > ready for bed.
> > > >
> > > > The other thing on my list that I may start doing this weekend is to
> > > > start painting. I'm only gonna do what I can and then have someone
> > > > come in and do the harder stuff.
> > > >
> > > > I haven't really been reading the post so if anyone has joined the
> > > > group lately welcome.
> > > >
> > > > Hopefully I will be able to keep in touch more.
> > > >
> > > > Michele
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > ------------ --------- --------- ------
> > > >
> > > > Yahoo! Groups Links
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > ------------ --------- --------- ------
> > >
> > > Yahoo! Groups Links
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ------------ --------- --------- ------
> >
> > Yahoo! Groups Links
> >
- 1.2.
Re: TGIF===Cindy
Posted by: "Cindy Bernauer" nutsnhoney61@yahoo.com nutsnhoney61
Wed Apr 29, 2009 10:29 am (PDT)
Hi Terri
Its more of being afraid of being denied-? When I lost my unemployment appeal because he was on the other line just a lying up a storm-under oath-and there was nothing I could do about it. I told the truth-and that was all I could do. He lied and denied everything. From that day on-I don't trust any of them. Everyone kept pushing me to get a lawyer-but I chose discrimination dept-because they will investigate it 1st and then let me know if I have a case. They will want to talk to everyone involved. My boyfriend even told me he had to write out a statement-along with my witness. Nobody was around when he threatened me. But I told my supervisor when I left. Unforuately-my supervisor is my boyfriend. But they knew this when they hired me back the 1st time. Its a small company. Most of the guys that I worked with have been there along time. The job I did there has never been replaced. Everyone there is trying to do it. What I did was more like a art
and it takes a very long time to do it right. ; ) Which-I was a perfectionist when it came to my job. And thats what stressed me out so much-is none of those guys care what kind of Quality they do. And I would be complaining and stressing all the time. I have to go because I'm getting anxious and I need to get up and move. peace cindy
--- On Wed, 4/29/09, Terri Moore <terrbear38@gmail.com > wrote:
From: Terri Moore <terrbear38@gmail.com >
Subject: RE: [new_panic_attack_help] Re: TGIF===Cindy
To: new_panic_attack_help@yahoogroups .com
Date: Wednesday, April 29, 2009, 12:42 PM
I am sorry to hear that. Are you nervous about these things because they are things you are not sure you want to do? If you want to keep working can you look for another job? That's a bummer about the weather. I can understand the weather bring your down unfortuantley there is nothing we can do to change it though. If you need a Xanax you should take it. Hope you are feeling better about things now.
http://www.terrbear 38.blogspot. com/
From: new_panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com [mailto:new_ panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com] On Behalf Of Cindy Bernauer
Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2009 8:50 AM
To: new_panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com
Subject: Re: [new_panic_attack_ help] Re: TGIF===Cindy
I have been very anxious today. I had my interview with the SS department for my disability
yesterday. The interview went ok-but it was really hard for me to focus on what he was saying.Today, I recieved the papers on it and I have to sign release papers for my medical records. The whole thing has got me very nervous. Plus-I'm dealing with the discrimination action I've takin against my ex-employer. Unforuately, I'm going after the president of the company-and that has me feeling panic again. Giving up working at 47 has really been bothering me also. I always love to work, and this PD has really taking its toll on me in the last year.But-since that happened to me in Nov.-I haven't been myself. I don't trust to many people and the president making a joke about my PD was to much for me to bear. While I have 4 men with him I didnt even know-all laughing with him. I can't wait until its all over with. We are suppose to have rain everyday-through Derby- and that has me really down. I do not like to be stuck in the house. I need to be in the outside
in the air-sunshine. My hands have been shaking all day. : ( I think I'm going to have to break down and take a xanax. I haven't had to take any for nearly 2 weeks.
It seems like we are always getting checked out for something-doesn' t it?
--- On Tue, 4/28/09, Michele <Shelly21@optonline. net> wrote:
From: Michele <Shelly21@optonline. net>
Subject: [new_panic_attack_ help] Re: TGIF===Cindy
To: new_panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com
Date: Tuesday, April 28, 2009, 10:22 PM
Thanks Cindy, I just want to get the test over with. I had a series of test taken back in February because the right side of my face was always getting numb. My primary doctor sent me to a neurologist to have it checked out. He tested me for Lupus, Limes Disease, MS and probably other things that I forgot. So I got through that MRI good because I took xanax. So that's what I'm gonna do again and hope I get through it okay. My sister sat in the room with me and held my foot to let me know she was there. I didn't know that someone can come in with you but the nurse told me alot of people have someone come in for support. She said she will come with me again this time also.
How's everything going with you?
I'm getting tired, long day. I'm trying to stay awake until 11 so I can take the rest of my meds.
Have a good night.
--- In new_panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com, Cindy Bernauer <nutsnhoney61@ ...> wrote:
> Michele-I take Xanax when I need them-they really help me. I'm glad your nephew won his game. ; )
> I wouldn't have been able to do the spinal tap either. I know I wouldn't beable to sit still enough-regardless of what they gave me. Thats my nature. I'm always shaking and moving-lol : / Good luck having your MRI done. ; ) You will be fine-the xanax will help.
> Peace-Cindy
> --- On Tue, 4/28/09, Michele <Shelly21@.. .> wrote:
> From: Michele <Shelly21@.. .>
> Subject: [new_panic_attack_ help] Re: TGIF
> To: new_panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com
> Date: Tuesday, April 28, 2009, 5:51 PM
> Terri, had a good time at the game. Stayed until it was over because it got really exciting at the end. I'm happy to say my nephews team did win. It was a nice night out so when I came home I wasn't tired so I didn't get to sleep right away. Needless to say I didn't want to get up for work this morning.
> I always get fluid in my ears. I had tubes put in them in my early 20's but I don't recommend that because it's just a temporary fix and eventually the fluid comes back. My is from my sinuses and allergies. I would take the meds to help the pain. I think using tubes when in the shower would be a good idea. I'm supposed to do that also but I don't. My mom has ear problems and the ENT doctor told her to put cotton in her ears when it's windy out and try not to get water in her ears.
> How long has your sister been on pred.? I need to go for another bone density test. I haven't been for one in a couple of years.
> Just got back from the psychiatrist and he told me to start taking 40 mgs. of prozac.
> I'm going for one more test on Friday for the numbing in my face. All my other test came out good but he said to do one more. He suggested a spinal tap but I'm not sure I want to do that and he said it really wasn't necessary but if I want one I can get it done. So I have to be in that MRI machine again. A little stressed about it but now that I'm on more xanax I'm hoping I will get through it as good as I did the last time.
> Michele
> --- In new_panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com, "Terri Moore" <terrbear38@ ...> wrote:
> >
> > Glad you decided to use him to do the rest. I agree that the extra money
> > will come in handy to pay for it. That is a late game for a school night.
> > Hope you have fun.
> >
> > Sounds like what happened with my sister. She has never been able to come
> > off of it totally either. She takes it for Ulcerative Colitis. They watch
> > her very closely for the damage that it can do if you are on it longterm
> > too. I took it when I got so sick after Emilia was born too. I was able to
> > come off of it after a couple of weeks though. If the meds are helping and
> > not hurting you then I agree it is worth staying on .
> >
> > Me too. I got an appointment with my primary care doc this afternoon and
> > there was fluid in them again. She said they did not look that infected but
> > wanted me to take the antibs again anyways because of how much pain I was
> > in. I still have the appointment with the ENT on the 2nd of June hopefully
> > the anti b's will work so I can hold out until then if not she said she
> > would try to get me in sooner.
> >
> > My main job is doing nails out of my home part time but I am down to only a
> > few customers now because of the economy. I have been trying to sell my
> > handstamped items in my Etsy shop http://www.etsy. com/your_ shop.php for
> > extra money but unfortunately so far nothing is selling.
> >
> > Terri
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: new_panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com
> > [mailto:new_ panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com] On Behalf Of Michele
> > Sent: Monday, April 27, 2009 4:59 PM
> > To: new_panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com
> > Subject: [new_panic_attack_ help] Re: TGIF
> >
> > Terri, I'm definitely gonna get the painter I had before to do the living
> > room. He's a nice guy and he doesn't overcharge. He's reasonable and will
> > work with me as far as what I can afford, but I don't want to cheat him out
> > of money either because I wouldn't feel right. So I guess this overtime is
> > coming in handy now. I worked 2 hours OT today. A little tired so I'm
> > resting for about an hour and then going to go to my nephews baseball game.
> > It starts at 8:15 which I think is a little late to start since they are
> > only 15 years old and have to get up for school tomorrow and that us older
> > ones need out beauty sleep LOL.
> >
> > I've been on pred. since 2001. I started out on 60mgs a day and then he
> > would try and taper it down but then I would relapse and go back up to 60
> > mgs. again. I was on a high dosage for a long time so the damage is already
> > done. Now I'm on a maintenance dosage as the doctor puts it plus other
> > meds. My doctor said he is not going to take me off the kidney meds. for a
> > long time because everytime we try I relapse.
> >
> > I hope your ear feels better soon. Can you get an apt. with the doctor
> > earlier.
> >
> > What is it that you do for extra money? Is it some kind of crafts?
> >
> > Michele
> >
> >
> > --- In new_panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com, "Terri Moore" <terrbear38@ >
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > I am sure it will be nice to have the extra money.
> > >
> > > That's cool that you were able to get some painting done. Sorry to
> > > hear you got tired and your back started hurting though. Sounds like
> > > you should definitely hire that gut to do the rest for you. By the way
> > > I was reading your post to Cindy about being on Pred. My sister has
> > > been on a low dose of it for years now too. It can be a miracle drug
> > > but I know you can get a lot of bad side effects from it too.
> > >
> > > My weekend has been okay so far. I had a new client yesterday but she
> > > was kind of a nightmare though because she brought her kids with her.
> > > A 13 month old baby and a four year old. I got through it okay though
> > > and it was nice to make some extra money. It will be interesting to
> > > see if she comes back now. I was also stressed yesterday because I did
> > > a blog hop last night. I got a lot of nice comments on my work though so
> > it was worth it in the end.
> > > I woke up this morning with my ear hurting again. I don't have an
> > > appointment with the ENT until June. I just hope I can hold out until
> > then.
> > >
> > >
> > > Terri
> > > http://www.terrbear 38.blogspot. com/
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: new_panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com
> > > [mailto:new_ panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com] On Behalf Of Michele
> > > Sent: Saturday, April 25, 2009 9:59 PM
> > > To: new_panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com
> > > Subject: [new_panic_attack_ help] Re: TGIF
> > >
> > > Terri, I know I'm really glad about the overtime.
> > >
> > > Well the painting went pretty good but I did get tired and my back was
> > > hurting. I didn't do a large area but I'm not a patient person and I
> > > hate painting. I was going to attempt to the the living room at
> > > another time but I really don't think I can do it so I will have to
> > > have someone come and do it for me. I have a friend in work who knows
> > > a painter and he did my kitchen last year for me and did a good job.
> > > He's a painter full time but he does side work. He also said he will
> > > be willing to work with my on a price for the job because he's knows I
> > can't afford alot.
> > >
> > > How is your weekend going so far?
> > >
> > > Michele
> > >
> > >
> > > --- In new_panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com, "Terri Moore"
> > > <terrbear38@ >
> > > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Thanks for checking in. That's cool you are getting some overtime.
> > > >
> > > > Hope the painting goes well. That is a good idea to start out with
> > > > the small stuff. Let us know how it goes.
> > > >
> > > > Terri
> > > > http://www.terrbear 38.blogspot. com/
> > > >
> > > > -----Original Message-----
> > > > From: new_panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com
> > > > [mailto:new_ panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com] On Behalf Of Michele
> > > > Sent: Friday, April 24, 2009 4:52 PM
> > > > To: new_panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com
> > > > Subject: [new_panic_attack_ help] TGIF
> > > >
> > > > Hello Everyone, I haven't been posting because I've been busy. I've
> > > > been getting some overtime at work which I'm glad about because with
> > > > this economy every penny counts. I even put in 8 1/2 hours last
> > > > saturday. Usually by the time I get home and get some housework
> > > > done I'm
> > > ready for bed.
> > > >
> > > > The other thing on my list that I may start doing this weekend is to
> > > > start painting. I'm only gonna do what I can and then have someone
> > > > come in and do the harder stuff.
> > > >
> > > > I haven't really been reading the post so if anyone has joined the
> > > > group lately welcome.
> > > >
> > > > Hopefully I will be able to keep in touch more.
> > > >
> > > > Michele
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > ------------ --------- --------- ------
> > > >
> > > > Yahoo! Groups Links
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > ------------ --------- --------- ------
> > >
> > > Yahoo! Groups Links
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ------------ --------- --------- ------
> >
> > Yahoo! Groups Links
> >
- 1.3.
Re: TGIF===Cindy
Posted by: "Marge" maggiemai@comcast.net marge_rly
Wed Apr 29, 2009 10:44 am (PDT)
Cindy - I am sorry you are so upset. I can relate to the weather issue. It is cloudy/rainy here today. It makes me very down when it is like that. I hope you feel better soon.
----- Original Message -----
From: Cindy Bernauer
To: new_panic_attack_help@yahoogroups .com
Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2009 10:50 AM
Subject: Re: [new_panic_attack_help] Re: TGIF===Cindy
I have been very anxious today. I had my interview with the SS department for my disability
yesterday. The interview went ok-but it was really hard for me to focus on what he was saying.Today,I recieved the papers on it and I have to sign release papers for my medical records. The whole thing has got me very nervous. Plus-I'm dealing with the discrimination action I've takin against my ex-employer. Unforuately, I'm going after the president of the company-and that has me feeling panic again. Giving up working at 47 has really been bothering me also. I always love to work, and this PD has really taking its toll on me in the last year.But-since that happened to me in Nov.-I haven't been myself. I don't trust to many people and the president making a joke about my PD was to much for me to bear. While I have 4 men with him I didnt even know-all laughing with him. I can't wait until its all over with. We are suppose to have rain everyday-through Derby- and that has me really down. I do not like to be stuck in the house. I need to be in the outside in the air-sunshine. My hands have been shaking all day. : ( I think I'm going to have to break down and take a xanax. I haven't had to take any for nearly 2 weeks.
It seems like we are always getting checked out for something-doesn't it?
--- On Tue, 4/28/09, Michele <Shelly21@optonline.net > wrote:
From: Michele <Shelly21@optonline.net >
Subject: [new_panic_attack_help] Re: TGIF===Cindy
To: new_panic_attack_help@yahoogroups .com
Date: Tuesday, April 28, 2009, 10:22 PM
Thanks Cindy, I just want to get the test over with. I had a series of test taken back in February because the right side of my face was always getting numb. My primary doctor sent me to a neurologist to have it checked out. He tested me for Lupus, Limes Disease, MS and probably other things that I forgot. So I got through that MRI good because I took xanax. So that's what I'm gonna do again and hope I get through it okay. My sister sat in the room with me and held my foot to let me know she was there. I didn't know that someone can come in with you but the nurse told me alot of people have someone come in for support. She said she will come with me again this time also.
How's everything going with you?
I'm getting tired, long day. I'm trying to stay awake until 11 so I can take the rest of my meds.
Have a good night.
--- In new_panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com, Cindy Bernauer <nutsnhoney61@ ...> wrote:
> Michele-I take Xanax when I need them-they really help me. I'm glad your nephew won his game. ; )
> I wouldn't have been able to do the spinal tap either. I know I wouldn't beable to sit still enough-regardless of what they gave me. Thats my nature. I'm always shaking and moving-lol : / Good luck having your MRI done. ; ) You will be fine-the xanax will help.
> Peace-Cindy
> --- On Tue, 4/28/09, Michele <Shelly21@.. .> wrote:
> From: Michele <Shelly21@.. .>
> Subject: [new_panic_attack_ help] Re: TGIF
> To: new_panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com
> Date: Tuesday, April 28, 2009, 5:51 PM
> Terri, had a good time at the game. Stayed until it was over because it got really exciting at the end. I'm happy to say my nephews team did win. It was a nice night out so when I came home I wasn't tired so I didn't get to sleep right away. Needless to say I didn't want to get up for work this morning.
> I always get fluid in my ears. I had tubes put in them in my early 20's but I don't recommend that because it's just a temporary fix and eventually the fluid comes back. My is from my sinuses and allergies. I would take the meds to help the pain. I think using tubes when in the shower would be a good idea. I'm supposed to do that also but I don't. My mom has ear problems and the ENT doctor told her to put cotton in her ears when it's windy out and try not to get water in her ears.
> How long has your sister been on pred.? I need to go for another bone density test. I haven't been for one in a couple of years.
> Just got back from the psychiatrist and he told me to start taking 40 mgs. of prozac.
> I'm going for one more test on Friday for the numbing in my face. All my other test came out good but he said to do one more. He suggested a spinal tap but I'm not sure I want to do that and he said it really wasn't necessary but if I want one I can get it done. So I have to be in that MRI machine again. A little stressed about it but now that I'm on more xanax I'm hoping I will get through it as good as I did the last time.
> Michele
> --- In new_panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com, "Terri Moore" <terrbear38@ ...> wrote:
> >
> > Glad you decided to use him to do the rest. I agree that the extra money
> > will come in handy to pay for it. That is a late game for a school night.
> > Hope you have fun.
> >
> > Sounds like what happened with my sister. She has never been able to come
> > off of it totally either. She takes it for Ulcerative Colitis. They watch
> > her very closely for the damage that it can do if you are on it longterm
> > too. I took it when I got so sick after Emilia was born too. I was able to
> > come off of it after a couple of weeks though. If the meds are helping and
> > not hurting you then I agree it is worth staying on .
> >
> > Me too. I got an appointment with my primary care doc this afternoon and
> > there was fluid in them again. She said they did not look that infected but
> > wanted me to take the antibs again anyways because of how much pain I was
> > in. I still have the appointment with the ENT on the 2nd of June hopefully
> > the anti b's will work so I can hold out until then if not she said she
> > would try to get me in sooner.
> >
> > My main job is doing nails out of my home part time but I am down to only a
> > few customers now because of the economy. I have been trying to sell my
> > handstamped items in my Etsy shop http://www.etsy. com/your_ shop.php for
> > extra money but unfortunately so far nothing is selling.
> >
> > Terri
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: new_panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com
> > [mailto:new_ panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com] On Behalf Of Michele
> > Sent: Monday, April 27, 2009 4:59 PM
> > To: new_panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com
> > Subject: [new_panic_attack_ help] Re: TGIF
> >
> > Terri, I'm definitely gonna get the painter I had before to do the living
> > room. He's a nice guy and he doesn't overcharge. He's reasonable and will
> > work with me as far as what I can afford, but I don't want to cheat him out
> > of money either because I wouldn't feel right. So I guess this overtime is
> > coming in handy now. I worked 2 hours OT today. A little tired so I'm
> > resting for about an hour and then going to go to my nephews baseball game.
> > It starts at 8:15 which I think is a little late to start since they are
> > only 15 years old and have to get up for school tomorrow and that us older
> > ones need out beauty sleep LOL.
> >
> > I've been on pred. since 2001. I started out on 60mgs a day and then he
> > would try and taper it down but then I would relapse and go back up to 60
> > mgs. again. I was on a high dosage for a long time so the damage is already
> > done. Now I'm on a maintenance dosage as the doctor puts it plus other
> > meds. My doctor said he is not going to take me off the kidney meds. for a
> > long time because everytime we try I relapse.
> >
> > I hope your ear feels better soon. Can you get an apt. with the doctor
> > earlier.
> >
> > What is it that you do for extra money? Is it some kind of crafts?
> >
> > Michele
> >
> >
> > --- In new_panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com, "Terri Moore" <terrbear38@ >
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > I am sure it will be nice to have the extra money.
> > >
> > > That's cool that you were able to get some painting done. Sorry to
> > > hear you got tired and your back started hurting though. Sounds like
> > > you should definitely hire that gut to do the rest for you. By the way
> > > I was reading your post to Cindy about being on Pred. My sister has
> > > been on a low dose of it for years now too. It can be a miracle drug
> > > but I know you can get a lot of bad side effects from it too.
> > >
> > > My weekend has been okay so far. I had a new client yesterday but she
> > > was kind of a nightmare though because she brought her kids with her.
> > > A 13 month old baby and a four year old. I got through it okay though
> > > and it was nice to make some extra money. It will be interesting to
> > > see if she comes back now. I was also stressed yesterday because I did
> > > a blog hop last night. I got a lot of nice comments on my work though so
> > it was worth it in the end.
> > > I woke up this morning with my ear hurting again. I don't have an
> > > appointment with the ENT until June. I just hope I can hold out until
> > then.
> > >
> > >
> > > Terri
> > > http://www.terrbear 38.blogspot. com/
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: new_panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com
> > > [mailto:new_ panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com] On Behalf Of Michele
> > > Sent: Saturday, April 25, 2009 9:59 PM
> > > To: new_panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com
> > > Subject: [new_panic_attack_ help] Re: TGIF
> > >
> > > Terri, I know I'm really glad about the overtime.
> > >
> > > Well the painting went pretty good but I did get tired and my back was
> > > hurting. I didn't do a large area but I'm not a patient person and I
> > > hate painting. I was going to attempt to the the living room at
> > > another time but I really don't think I can do it so I will have to
> > > have someone come and do it for me. I have a friend in work who knows
> > > a painter and he did my kitchen last year for me and did a good job.
> > > He's a painter full time but he does side work. He also said he will
> > > be willing to work with my on a price for the job because he's knows I
> > can't afford alot.
> > >
> > > How is your weekend going so far?
> > >
> > > Michele
> > >
> > >
> > > --- In new_panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com, "Terri Moore"
> > > <terrbear38@ >
> > > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Thanks for checking in. That's cool you are getting some overtime.
> > > >
> > > > Hope the painting goes well. That is a good idea to start out with
> > > > the small stuff. Let us know how it goes.
> > > >
> > > > Terri
> > > > http://www.terrbear 38.blogspot. com/
> > > >
> > > > -----Original Message-----
> > > > From: new_panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com
> > > > [mailto:new_ panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com] On Behalf Of Michele
> > > > Sent: Friday, April 24, 2009 4:52 PM
> > > > To: new_panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com
> > > > Subject: [new_panic_attack_ help] TGIF
> > > >
> > > > Hello Everyone, I haven't been posting because I've been busy. I've
> > > > been getting some overtime at work which I'm glad about because with
> > > > this economy every penny counts. I even put in 8 1/2 hours last
> > > > saturday. Usually by the time I get home and get some housework
> > > > done I'm
> > > ready for bed.
> > > >
> > > > The other thing on my list that I may start doing this weekend is to
> > > > start painting. I'm only gonna do what I can and then have someone
> > > > come in and do the harder stuff.
> > > >
> > > > I haven't really been reading the post so if anyone has joined the
> > > > group lately welcome.
> > > >
> > > > Hopefully I will be able to keep in touch more.
> > > >
> > > > Michele
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > ------------ --------- --------- ------
> > > >
> > > > Yahoo! Groups Links
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > ------------ --------- --------- ------
> > >
> > > Yahoo! Groups Links
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ------------ --------- --------- ------
> >
> > Yahoo! Groups Links
> >
- 1.4.
Re: TGIF===Cindy
Posted by: "Terri Moore" terrbear38@gmail.com wphomeschoolers
Wed Apr 29, 2009 2:32 pm (PDT)
I can understand that. After reading all you have gone through with them
mabey you would be better off just letting the whole thing go and moving
on?? If it is to stressful for you to talk about this just let me know and I
will drop it.
http://www.terrbear38.blogspot. com/
From: new_panic_attack_help@yahoogroups .com
[mailto:new_panic_attack_help@yahoogroups ] On Behalf Of Cindy Bernauer.com
Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2009 11:29 AM
To: new_panic_attack_help@yahoogroups .com
Subject: RE: [new_panic_attack_help] Re: TGIF===Cindy
Hi Terri
Its more of being afraid of being denied-? When I lost my unemployment
appeal because he was on the other line just a lying up a storm-under
oath-and there was nothing I could do about it. I told the truth-and that
was all I could do. He lied and denied everything. From that day on-I don't
trust any of them. Everyone kept pushing me to get a lawyer-but I chose
discrimination dept-because they will investigate it 1st and then let me
know if I have a case. They will want to talk to everyone involved. My
boyfriend even told me he had to write out a statement-along with my
witness. Nobody was around when he threatened me. But I told my supervisor
when I left. Unforuately-my supervisor is my boyfriend. But they knew this
when they hired me back the 1st time. Its a small company. Most of the guys
that I worked with have been there along time. The job I did there has never
been replaced. Everyone there is trying to do it. What I did was more like a
art and it takes a very long time to do it right. ; ) Which-I was a
perfectionist when it came to my job. And thats what stressed me out so
much-is none of those guys care what kind of Quality they do. And I would be
complaining and stressing all the time. I have to go because I'm getting
anxious and I need to get up and move. peace cindy
--- On Wed, 4/29/09, Terri Moore <terrbear38@gmail.com > wrote:
From: Terri Moore <terrbear38@gmail.com >
Subject: RE: [new_panic_attack_help] Re: TGIF===Cindy
To: new_panic_attack_help@yahoogroups .com
Date: Wednesday, April 29, 2009, 12:42 PM
I am sorry to hear that. Are you nervous about these things because they are
things you are not sure you want to do? If you want to keep working can you
look for another job? That's a bummer about the weather. I can understand
the weather bring your down unfortuantley there is nothing we can do to
change it though. If you need a Xanax you should take it. Hope you are
feeling better about things now.
http://www.terrbear 38.blogspot. <http://www.terrbear38.blogspot. > com/com/
From: new_panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com [mailto:new_ panic_attack_
help@yahoogroups .com] On Behalf Of Cindy Bernauer
Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2009 8:50 AM
To: new_panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com
Subject: Re: [new_panic_attack_ help] Re: TGIF===Cindy
I have been very anxious today. I had my interview with the SS department
for my disability
yesterday. The interview went ok-but it was really hard for me to focus on
what he was saying.Today, I recieved the papers on it and I have to sign
release papers for my medical records. The whole thing has got me very
nervous. Plus-I'm dealing with the discrimination action I've takin against
my ex-employer. Unforuately, I'm going after the president of the
company-and that has me feeling panic again. Giving up working at 47 has
really been bothering me also. I always love to work, and this PD has really
taking its toll on me in the last year.But-since that happened to me in
Nov.-I haven't been myself. I don't trust to many people and the president
making a joke about my PD was to much for me to bear. While I have 4 men
with him I didnt even know-all laughing with him. I can't wait until its all
over with. We are suppose to have rain everyday-through Derby- and that has
me really down. I do not like to be stuck in the house. I need to be in the
outside in the air-sunshine. My hands have been shaking all day. : ( I
think I'm going to have to break down and take a xanax. I haven't had to
take any for nearly 2 weeks.
It seems like we are always getting checked out for something-doesn' t it?
--- On Tue, 4/28/09, Michele <Shelly21@optonline. net> wrote:
From: Michele <Shelly21@optonline. net>
Subject: [new_panic_attack_ help] Re: TGIF===Cindy
To: new_panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com
Date: Tuesday, April 28, 2009, 10:22 PM
Thanks Cindy, I just want to get the test over with. I had a series of test
taken back in February because the right side of my face was always getting
numb. My primary doctor sent me to a neurologist to have it checked out. He
tested me for Lupus, Limes Disease, MS and probably other things that I
forgot. So I got through that MRI good because I took xanax. So that's what
I'm gonna do again and hope I get through it okay. My sister sat in the room
with me and held my foot to let me know she was there. I didn't know that
someone can come in with you but the nurse told me alot of people have
someone come in for support. She said she will come with me again this time
How's everything going with you?
I'm getting tired, long day. I'm trying to stay awake until 11 so I can take
the rest of my meds.
Have a good night.
--- In new_panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups
<http://us.mc01g.mail.yahoo. com/mc/compose? to=new_panic_ attack_help% 40yahoog
roups.com> .com, Cindy Bernauer <nutsnhoney61@ ...> wrote:
> Michele-I take Xanax when I need them-they really help me. I'm glad your
nephew won his game. ; )
> I wouldn't have been able to do the spinal tap either. I know I wouldn't
beable to sit still enough-regardless of what they gave me. Thats my nature.
I'm always shaking and moving-lol : / Good luck having your MRI done. ;
) You will be fine-the xanax will help.
> Peace-Cindy
> --- On Tue, 4/28/09, Michele <Shelly21@.. .> wrote:
> From: Michele <Shelly21@.. .>
> Subject: [new_panic_attack_ help] Re: TGIF
> To: new_panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups
<http://us.mc01g.mail.yahoo. com/mc/compose? to=new_panic_ attack_help% 40yahoog
roups.com> .com
> Date: Tuesday, April 28, 2009, 5:51 PM
> Terri, had a good time at the game. Stayed until it was over because it
got really exciting at the end. I'm happy to say my nephews team did win. It
was a nice night out so when I came home I wasn't tired so I didn't get to
sleep right away. Needless to say I didn't want to get up for work this
> I always get fluid in my ears. I had tubes put in them in my early 20's
but I don't recommend that because it's just a temporary fix and eventually
the fluid comes back. My is from my sinuses and allergies. I would take the
meds to help the pain. I think using tubes when in the shower would be a
good idea. I'm supposed to do that also but I don't. My mom has ear problems
and the ENT doctor told her to put cotton in her ears when it's windy out
and try not to get water in her ears.
> How long has your sister been on pred.? I need to go for another bone
density test. I haven't been for one in a couple of years.
> Just got back from the psychiatrist and he told me to start taking 40 mgs.
of prozac.
> I'm going for one more test on Friday for the numbing in my face. All my
other test came out good but he said to do one more. He suggested a spinal
tap but I'm not sure I want to do that and he said it really wasn't
necessary but if I want one I can get it done. So I have to be in that MRI
machine again. A little stressed about it but now that I'm on more xanax I'm
hoping I will get through it as good as I did the last time.
> Michele
> --- In new_panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com, "Terri Moore" <terrbear38@
...> wrote:
> >
> > Glad you decided to use him to do the rest. I agree that the extra money
> > will come in handy to pay for it. That is a late game for a school
> > Hope you have fun.
> >
> > Sounds like what happened with my sister. She has never been able to
> > off of it totally either. She takes it for Ulcerative Colitis. They
> > her very closely for the damage that it can do if you are on it longterm
> > too. I took it when I got so sick after Emilia was born too. I was able
> > come off of it after a couple of weeks though. If the meds are helping
> > not hurting you then I agree it is worth staying on .
> >
> > Me too. I got an appointment with my primary care doc this afternoon and
> > there was fluid in them again. She said they did not look that infected
> > wanted me to take the antibs again anyways because of how much pain I
> > in. I still have the appointment with the ENT on the 2nd of June
> > the anti b's will work so I can hold out until then if not she said she
> > would try to get me in sooner.
> >
> > My main job is doing nails out of my home part time but I am down to
only a
> > few customers now because of the economy. I have been trying to sell my
> > handstamped items in my Etsy shop http://www.etsy. <http://www.etsy./ >
com/your_ shop.php for
> > extra money but unfortunately so far nothing is selling.
> >
> > Terri
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: new_panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com
> > [mailto:new_ panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com] On Behalf Of Michele
> > Sent: Monday, April 27, 2009 4:59 PM
> > To: new_panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com
> > Subject: [new_panic_attack_ help] Re: TGIF
> >
> > Terri, I'm definitely gonna get the painter I had before to do the
> > room. He's a nice guy and he doesn't overcharge. He's reasonable and
> > work with me as far as what I can afford, but I don't want to cheat him
> > of money either because I wouldn't feel right. So I guess this overtime
> > coming in handy now. I worked 2 hours OT today. A little tired so I'm
> > resting for about an hour and then going to go to my nephews baseball
> > It starts at 8:15 which I think is a little late to start since they are
> > only 15 years old and have to get up for school tomorrow and that us
> > ones need out beauty sleep LOL.
> >
> > I've been on pred. since 2001. I started out on 60mgs a day and then he
> > would try and taper it down but then I would relapse and go back up to
> > mgs. again. I was on a high dosage for a long time so the damage is
> > done. Now I'm on a maintenance dosage as the doctor puts it plus other
> > meds. My doctor said he is not going to take me off the kidney meds. for
> > long time because everytime we try I relapse.
> >
> > I hope your ear feels better soon. Can you get an apt. with the doctor
> > earlier.
> >
> > What is it that you do for extra money? Is it some kind of crafts?
> >
> > Michele
> >
> >
> > --- In new_panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com, "Terri Moore"
<terrbear38@ >
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > I am sure it will be nice to have the extra money.
> > >
> > > That's cool that you were able to get some painting done. Sorry to
> > > hear you got tired and your back started hurting though. Sounds like
> > > you should definitely hire that gut to do the rest for you. By the way
> > > I was reading your post to Cindy about being on Pred. My sister has
> > > been on a low dose of it for years now too. It can be a miracle drug
> > > but I know you can get a lot of bad side effects from it too.
> > >
> > > My weekend has been okay so far. I had a new client yesterday but she
> > > was kind of a nightmare though because she brought her kids with her.
> > > A 13 month old baby and a four year old. I got through it okay though
> > > and it was nice to make some extra money. It will be interesting to
> > > see if she comes back now. I was also stressed yesterday because I did
> > > a blog hop last night. I got a lot of nice comments on my work though
> > it was worth it in the end.
> > > I woke up this morning with my ear hurting again. I don't have an
> > > appointment with the ENT until June. I just hope I can hold out until
> > then.
> > >
> > >
> > > Terri
> > > http://www.terrbear <http://www.terrbear/ > 38.blogspot. com/
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: new_panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com
> > > [mailto:new_ panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com] On Behalf Of Michele
> > > Sent: Saturday, April 25, 2009 9:59 PM
> > > To: new_panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com
> > > Subject: [new_panic_attack_ help] Re: TGIF
> > >
> > > Terri, I know I'm really glad about the overtime.
> > >
> > > Well the painting went pretty good but I did get tired and my back was
> > > hurting. I didn't do a large area but I'm not a patient person and I
> > > hate painting. I was going to attempt to the the living room at
> > > another time but I really don't think I can do it so I will have to
> > > have someone come and do it for me. I have a friend in work who knows
> > > a painter and he did my kitchen last year for me and did a good job.
> > > He's a painter full time but he does side work. He also said he will
> > > be willing to work with my on a price for the job because he's knows I
> > can't afford alot.
> > >
> > > How is your weekend going so far?
> > >
> > > Michele
> > >
> > >
> > > --- In new_panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com, "Terri Moore"
> > > <terrbear38@ >
> > > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Thanks for checking in. That's cool you are getting some overtime.
> > > >
> > > > Hope the painting goes well. That is a good idea to start out with
> > > > the small stuff. Let us know how it goes.
> > > >
> > > > Terri
> > > > http://www.terrbear <http://www.terrbear/ > 38.blogspot. com/
> > > >
> > > > -----Original Message-----
> > > > From: new_panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com
> > > > [mailto:new_ panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com] On Behalf Of
> > > > Sent: Friday, April 24, 2009 4:52 PM
> > > > To: new_panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com
> > > > Subject: [new_panic_attack_ help] TGIF
> > > >
> > > > Hello Everyone, I haven't been posting because I've been busy. I've
> > > > been getting some overtime at work which I'm glad about because with
> > > > this economy every penny counts. I even put in 8 1/2 hours last
> > > > saturday. Usually by the time I get home and get some housework
> > > > done I'm
> > > ready for bed.
> > > >
> > > > The other thing on my list that I may start doing this weekend is to
> > > > start painting. I'm only gonna do what I can and then have someone
> > > > come in and do the harder stuff.
> > > >
> > > > I haven't really been reading the post so if anyone has joined the
> > > > group lately welcome.
> > > >
> > > > Hopefully I will be able to keep in touch more.
> > > >
> > > > Michele
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > ------------ --------- --------- ------
> > > >
> > > > Yahoo! Groups Links
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > ------------ --------- --------- ------
> > >
> > > Yahoo! Groups Links
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ------------ --------- --------- ------
> >
> > Yahoo! Groups Links
> >
- 1.5.
Re: TGIF===Cindy
Posted by: "Terri Moore" terrbear38@gmail.com wphomeschoolers
Wed Apr 29, 2009 2:32 pm (PDT)
Sorry to hear the weather is like that where you are. I get down when we
have weather like that here too but thankfully the sun is out today though.
. How are you feeling besides that?
http://www.terrbear38.blogspot. com/
From: new_panic_attack_help@yahoogroups .com
[mailto:new_panic_attack_help@yahoogroups ] On Behalf Of Marge.com
Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2009 11:45 AM
To: new_panic_attack_help@yahoogroups .com
Subject: Re: [new_panic_attack_help] Re: TGIF===Cindy
Cindy - I am sorry you are so upset. I can relate to the weather issue. It
is cloudy/rainy here today. It makes me very down when it is like that. I
hope you feel better soon.
----- Original Message -----
From: Cindy <mailto:nutsnhoney61@yahoo.com > Bernauer
To: new_panic_attack_help@yahoogroups .com
Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2009 10:50 AM
Subject: Re: [new_panic_attack_help] Re: TGIF===Cindy
I have been very anxious today. I had my interview with the SS department
for my disability
yesterday. The interview went ok-but it was really hard for me to focus on
what he was saying.Today,I recieved the papers on it and I have to sign
release papers for my medical records. The whole thing has got me very
nervous. Plus-I'm dealing with the discrimination action I've takin against
my ex-employer. Unforuately, I'm going after the president of the
company-and that has me feeling panic again. Giving up working at 47 has
really been bothering me also. I always love to work, and this PD has really
taking its toll on me in the last year.But-since that happened to me in
Nov.-I haven't been myself. I don't trust to many people and the president
making a joke about my PD was to much for me to bear. While I have 4 men
with him I didnt even know-all laughing with him. I can't wait until its all
over with. We are suppose to have rain everyday-through Derby- and that has
me really down. I do not like to be stuck in the house. I need to be in the
outside in the air-sunshine. My hands have been shaking all day. : ( I
think I'm going to have to break down and take a xanax. I haven't had to
take any for nearly 2 weeks.
It seems like we are always getting checked out for something-doesn't it?
--- On Tue, 4/28/09, Michele <Shelly21@optonline.net > wrote:
From: Michele <Shelly21@optonline.net >
Subject: [new_panic_attack_help] Re: TGIF===Cindy
To: new_panic_attack_help@yahoogroups .com
Date: Tuesday, April 28, 2009, 10:22 PM
Thanks Cindy, I just want to get the test over with. I had a series of test
taken back in February because the right side of my face was always getting
numb. My primary doctor sent me to a neurologist to have it checked out. He
tested me for Lupus, Limes Disease, MS and probably other things that I
forgot. So I got through that MRI good because I took xanax. So that's what
I'm gonna do again and hope I get through it okay. My sister sat in the room
with me and held my foot to let me know she was there. I didn't know that
someone can come in with you but the nurse told me alot of people have
someone come in for support. She said she will come with me again this time
How's everything going with you?
I'm getting tired, long day. I'm trying to stay awake until 11 so I can take
the rest of my meds.
Have a good night.
--- In new_panic_attack_
<http://us.mc01g.mail.yahoo. com/mc/compose? to=new_panic_ attack_help% 40yahoog
roups.com> help@yahoogroups .com, Cindy Bernauer <nutsnhoney61@ ...> wrote:
> Michele-I take Xanax when I need them-they really help me. I'm glad your
nephew won his game. ; )
> I wouldn't have been able to do the spinal tap either. I know I wouldn't
beable to sit still enough-regardless of what they gave me. Thats my nature.
I'm always shaking and moving-lol : / Good luck having your MRI done. ;
) You will be fine-the xanax will help.
> Peace-Cindy
> --- On Tue, 4/28/09, Michele <Shelly21@.. .> wrote:
> From: Michele <Shelly21@.. .>
> Subject: [new_panic_attack_ help] Re: TGIF
> To: new_panic_attack_
<http://us.mc01g.mail.yahoo. com/mc/compose? to=new_panic_ attack_help% 40yahoog
roups.com> help@yahoogroups .com
> Date: Tuesday, April 28, 2009, 5:51 PM
> Terri, had a good time at the game. Stayed until it was over because it
got really exciting at the end. I'm happy to say my nephews team did win. It
was a nice night out so when I came home I wasn't tired so I didn't get to
sleep right away. Needless to say I didn't want to get up for work this
> I always get fluid in my ears. I had tubes put in them in my early 20's
but I don't recommend that because it's just a temporary fix and eventually
the fluid comes back. My is from my sinuses and allergies. I would take the
meds to help the pain. I think using tubes when in the shower would be a
good idea. I'm supposed to do that also but I don't. My mom has ear problems
and the ENT doctor told her to put cotton in her ears when it's windy out
and try not to get water in her ears.
> How long has your sister been on pred.? I need to go for another bone
density test. I haven't been for one in a couple of years.
> Just got back from the psychiatrist and he told me to start taking 40 mgs.
of prozac.
> I'm going for one more test on Friday for the numbing in my face. All my
other test came out good but he said to do one more. He suggested a spinal
tap but I'm not sure I want to do that and he said it really wasn't
necessary but if I want one I can get it done. So I have to be in that MRI
machine again. A little stressed about it but now that I'm on more xanax I'm
hoping I will get through it as good as I did the last time.
> Michele
> --- In new_panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com, "Terri Moore" <terrbear38@
...> wrote:
> >
> > Glad you decided to use him to do the rest. I agree that the extra money
> > will come in handy to pay for it. That is a late game for a school
> > Hope you have fun.
> >
> > Sounds like what happened with my sister. She has never been able to
> > off of it totally either. She takes it for Ulcerative Colitis. They
> > her very closely for the damage that it can do if you are on it longterm
> > too. I took it when I got so sick after Emilia was born too. I was able
> > come off of it after a couple of weeks though. If the meds are helping
> > not hurting you then I agree it is worth staying on .
> >
> > Me too. I got an appointment with my primary care doc this afternoon and
> > there was fluid in them again. She said they did not look that infected
> > wanted me to take the antibs again anyways because of how much pain I
> > in. I still have the appointment with the ENT on the 2nd of June
> > the anti b's will work so I can hold out until then if not she said she
> > would try to get me in sooner.
> >
> > My main job is doing nails out of my home part time but I am down to
only a
> > few customers now because of the economy. I have been trying to sell my
> > handstamped items in my Etsy shop http://www.etsy. <http://www.etsy./ >
com/your_ shop.php for
> > extra money but unfortunately so far nothing is selling.
> >
> > Terri
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: new_panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com
> > [mailto:new_ panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com] On Behalf Of Michele
> > Sent: Monday, April 27, 2009 4:59 PM
> > To: new_panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com
> > Subject: [new_panic_attack_ help] Re: TGIF
> >
> > Terri, I'm definitely gonna get the painter I had before to do the
> > room. He's a nice guy and he doesn't overcharge. He's reasonable and
> > work with me as far as what I can afford, but I don't want to cheat him
> > of money either because I wouldn't feel right. So I guess this overtime
> > coming in handy now. I worked 2 hours OT today. A little tired so I'm
> > resting for about an hour and then going to go to my nephews baseball
> > It starts at 8:15 which I think is a little late to start since they are
> > only 15 years old and have to get up for school tomorrow and that us
> > ones need out beauty sleep LOL.
> >
> > I've been on pred. since 2001. I started out on 60mgs a day and then he
> > would try and taper it down but then I would relapse and go back up to
> > mgs. again. I was on a high dosage for a long time so the damage is
> > done. Now I'm on a maintenance dosage as the doctor puts it plus other
> > meds. My doctor said he is not going to take me off the kidney meds. for
> > long time because everytime we try I relapse.
> >
> > I hope your ear feels better soon. Can you get an apt. with the doctor
> > earlier.
> >
> > What is it that you do for extra money? Is it some kind of crafts?
> >
> > Michele
> >
> >
> > --- In new_panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com, "Terri Moore"
<terrbear38@ >
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > I am sure it will be nice to have the extra money.
> > >
> > > That's cool that you were able to get some painting done. Sorry to
> > > hear you got tired and your back started hurting though. Sounds like
> > > you should definitely hire that gut to do the rest for you. By the way
> > > I was reading your post to Cindy about being on Pred. My sister has
> > > been on a low dose of it for years now too. It can be a miracle drug
> > > but I know you can get a lot of bad side effects from it too.
> > >
> > > My weekend has been okay so far. I had a new client yesterday but she
> > > was kind of a nightmare though because she brought her kids with her.
> > > A 13 month old baby and a four year old. I got through it okay though
> > > and it was nice to make some extra money. It will be interesting to
> > > see if she comes back now. I was also stressed yesterday because I did
> > > a blog hop last night. I got a lot of nice comments on my work though
> > it was worth it in the end.
> > > I woke up this morning with my ear hurting again. I don't have an
> > > appointment with the ENT until June. I just hope I can hold out until
> > then.
> > >
> > >
> > > Terri
> > > http://www.terrbear <http://www.terrbear/ > 38.blogspot. com/
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: new_panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com
> > > [mailto:new_ panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com] On Behalf Of Michele
> > > Sent: Saturday, April 25, 2009 9:59 PM
> > > To: new_panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com
> > > Subject: [new_panic_attack_ help] Re: TGIF
> > >
> > > Terri, I know I'm really glad about the overtime.
> > >
> > > Well the painting went pretty good but I did get tired and my back was
> > > hurting. I didn't do a large area but I'm not a patient person and I
> > > hate painting. I was going to attempt to the the living room at
> > > another time but I really don't think I can do it so I will have to
> > > have someone come and do it for me. I have a friend in work who knows
> > > a painter and he did my kitchen last year for me and did a good job.
> > > He's a painter full time but he does side work. He also said he will
> > > be willing to work with my on a price for the job because he's knows I
> > can't afford alot.
> > >
> > > How is your weekend going so far?
> > >
> > > Michele
> > >
> > >
> > > --- In new_panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com, "Terri Moore"
> > > <terrbear38@ >
> > > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Thanks for checking in. That's cool you are getting some overtime.
> > > >
> > > > Hope the painting goes well. That is a good idea to start out with
> > > > the small stuff. Let us know how it goes.
> > > >
> > > > Terri
> > > > http://www.terrbear <http://www.terrbear/ > 38.blogspot. com/
> > > >
> > > > -----Original Message-----
> > > > From: new_panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com
> > > > [mailto:new_ panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com] On Behalf Of
> > > > Sent: Friday, April 24, 2009 4:52 PM
> > > > To: new_panic_attack_ help@yahoogroups .com
> > > > Subject: [new_panic_attack_ help] TGIF
> > > >
> > > > Hello Everyone, I haven't been posting because I've been busy. I've
> > > > been getting some overtime at work which I'm glad about because with
> > > > this economy every penny counts. I even put in 8 1/2 hours last
> > > > saturday. Usually by the time I get home and get some housework
> > > > done I'm
> > > ready for bed.
> > > >
> > > > The other thing on my list that I may start doing this weekend is to
> > > > start painting. I'm only gonna do what I can and then have someone
> > > > come in and do the harder stuff.
> > > >
> > > > I haven't really been reading the post so if anyone has joined the
> > > > group lately welcome.
> > > >
> > > > Hopefully I will be able to keep in touch more.
> > > >
> > > > Michele
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > ------------ --------- --------- ------
> > > >
> > > > Yahoo! Groups Links
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > ------------ --------- --------- ------
> > >
> > > Yahoo! Groups Links
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ------------ --------- --------- ------
> >
> > Yahoo! Groups Links
> >
- 2a.
Posted by: "suzikeegan" suzikeegan@hotmail.com suzikeegan
Wed Apr 29, 2009 3:25 pm (PDT)
I've been lurking on the list for a while, but I have some questions. I don't think I suffer from panic attacks, although maybe just mild ones. I've been to my Dr and a cardiologist, gotten bloodwork done, sonogram on my heart and stress test and everything came back 'normal'. My heartrate on average is around 100bpm and sometimes/frequently I get short of breath, it feels like an elephant is sitting on my chest and dizziness. I'm sure its stress, but I don't know what to do. I have a very busy life and I enjoy my life. I'm 29, in pretty good shape and get lots of exercise. I've tried various relaxation techniques when I'm in the middle of an 'episode': slow breathing, in through nose, out through mouth, hot bath, visualization, etc. None of it works short term.
Any recommendations? My cardio just told me to 'relax'.
Tampa, Fl
- 2b.
Re: new-kinda
Posted by: "Terri Moore" terrbear38@gmail.com wphomeschoolers
Wed Apr 29, 2009 7:51 pm (PDT)
Welcome to the group. Sorry to hear what you are going through. Since you
have tried all those things and they haven't worked. Have any of the doctors
suggested taking meds?
http://www.terrbear38.blogspot. com/
-----Original Message-----
From: new_panic_attack_help@yahoogroups .com
[mailto:new_panic_attack_help@yahoogroups ] On Behalf Of suzikeegan.com
Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2009 4:25 PM
To: new_panic_attack_help@yahoogroups .com
Subject: [new_panic_attack_help] new-kinda
I've been lurking on the list for a while, but I have some questions. I
don't think I suffer from panic attacks, although maybe just mild ones.
I've been to my Dr and a cardiologist, gotten bloodwork done, sonogram on my
heart and stress test and everything came back 'normal'. My heartrate on
average is around 100bpm and sometimes/frequently I get short of breath, it
feels like an elephant is sitting on my chest and dizziness. I'm sure its
stress, but I don't know what to do. I have a very busy life and I enjoy my
life. I'm 29, in pretty good shape and get lots of exercise. I've tried
various relaxation techniques when I'm in the middle of an 'episode': slow
breathing, in through nose, out through mouth, hot bath, visualization, etc.
None of it works short term.
Any recommendations? My cardio just told me to 'relax'.
Tampa, Fl
--------------------- --------- ------
Yahoo! Groups Links
- 2c.
Re: new-kinda
Posted by: "Marge" maggiemai@comcast.net marge_rly
Wed Apr 29, 2009 8:06 pm (PDT)
Hi Maren. I have had real panic attacks for 30 years. I have had all of the symptoms you describe with the panic attacks. Recently, I have been having a problem with my heart racing up to 140 for no apparently reason and my bp spiking. My cardio just tried me on two different beta blockers. Unfortunately, they are not for me. I am not yet sure what is causing my problem. Maybe I am just getting old. LOL! That certainly isn't your problem. :) Unfortunately, I don't have any suggestions for you other than the breathing, meditation and anything that may help you to relax. If you cardio is not concerned, I would guess it is not a serious problem. If you are concerned, maybe you should check with another cardio and get a second opinion. Good to hear from you.
----- Original Message -----
From: suzikeegan
To: new_panic_attack_help@yahoogroups .com
Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2009 6:25 PM
Subject: [new_panic_attack_help] new-kinda
I've been lurking on the list for a while, but I have some questions. I don't think I suffer from panic attacks, although maybe just mild ones. I've been to my Dr and a cardiologist, gotten bloodwork done, sonogram on my heart and stress test and everything came back 'normal'. My heartrate on average is around 100bpm and sometimes/frequently I get short of breath, it feels like an elephant is sitting on my chest and dizziness. I'm sure its stress, but I don't know what to do. I have a very busy life and I enjoy my life. I'm 29, in pretty good shape and get lots of exercise. I've tried various relaxation techniques when I'm in the middle of an 'episode': slow breathing, in through nose, out through mouth, hot bath, visualization, etc. None of it works short term.
Any recommendations? My cardio just told me to 'relax'.
Tampa, Fl
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